Creating sustainable futures/CSF103/2016 Session1
Dear CSF103 participants
Welcome to Session 1 on Developing a strong vision.
These instructions are for: Monday 5 to Wednesday 7 September.
If you have just joined us, you will find copies of the instructions for the introductory Session on the course site.
We hope that you found the instructions useful for setting up your learning journal.
By now you should :
- be familiar with the layout of the course site,
- have established your learning journal (and registered the URL if using a blog) and tested a microblog post using WENotes. We harvest these contributions for the course feed.
- Completed the optional new OERu participant survey.
This session: Developing a strong vision
Whatever outcome you’re focused on creating - be it a building, a product, a service or a community - great design ideas are driven by starting with the end in mind. A strong vision enables others to feel a part of it and make it happen. We hope you enjoy the success stories we have collated here.
- Work through the learning materials
- Complete the activities
Need help?
Post your questions using WENotes or the General CSF103 forum. Remember to include the url of the page where you are having problems.
Let's leverage the power of peer-learning by helping each other. If you know the answer to a question, help a friend by responding. Bear in mind that as an international course, your facilitators may be in a different time zone and could be sleeping when you post a question.
Most of all have fun!
Your facilitators
Steve, Simon and Alexa