Creating sustainable futures/CSF101/Understanding systems/Framework

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Strategy is about focusing on a desired outcome, and pursuing an approach that is calculated to produce it. Most organisations use strategic planning to frame a series of goals to work towards that will create their future. Traditionally, strategic planning has taken a narrow approach towards defining the desired success, at either an industry level or the company level. This approach has ignored the fact that companies and, indeed, entire industries are part of bigger systems that make up our society and the interwoven ecological systems that make up the biosphere.

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WEnotes activity
  1. Read this short paper Proposing a Unifying Framework for Sustainable Development that was presented by The Natural Step Global Network to the Rio+20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development.
  2. Consider the following question and note down your thoughts in WEnotes:
    • In what ways do you think the Five Level Framework encourage greater collaboration and work more effectively towards the shared goal of creating a sustainable future?