Target Dates
Milestone 1: Establishing the project
- Invite participation from founding educational institutions to take responsibility as Module Coordinators representing Africa, Asia, the Caribbean and the Pacific
- Negotiate broad terms of reference for the project
15 Feb 2007
Milestone 2: Complete procedures for local certification
- Participating institutions to institute procedures for local certification of the CCNC. This process runs in parallel with the content development
- In countries using a national qualification framework, the ICDL outcomes may already be an approved qualification.
Ongoing, 2008 Academic year
Milestone 3: SWOT analysis of existing Open ICDL materials
- Desktop review of the strengths & weakenesses of the existing Open ICDL materials
- Consulting with graduates and developers of the Open ICDL.
28 Feb 2007
Milestone 4: Research and proposal for instructional design template
- Collect recommendations from the community based on needs for the design of pedaogical template
- Propose a design template for review
- Refine the template
- Specify multimedia development for each module
- Set up "bug" tracking software to report issues and bugs
15 March 2007
Milestone 5: Detailed Callibration of the project roles for Module coordinators and participants
- achieve a shared understanding of the instructional design template
- allocate roles and responsibilities for development
15 March 2007
Milestone 6: Communication of the development strategy and supporting resources
- Publish procedure and development support resources on the wiki
30 March 2007
Milestone 7: Module development
- Reconfigure and publish course materials for distance education and eLearning format on the wiki
- Community participation in refining the materials
- Editing procedure published
- 5 Modules by 30 June 2007
- 7 Modules by 15 August 2007
Milestone 8: Editing and testing
- Editing procedures carried out
- Extensive testing of validity of materials by the community
15 September 2007
Milestone 9: Packaging of materials for eLearning format
- Converting wiki materials into IMS/SCORM formats
- Testing materials in different LMSs
15 October 2007
Milestone 10: Pilot testing of the materials
- Pilot testing of representative sample in a face-to-face situation
- Pilot testing of representative sample an eLearning delivery format
15 May 2007
Milestone 11: Evaluation and review
- Collect and collate evaluation materials
- Compile evaluation report
30 September 2007
Milestone 12: Adapt and refine materials
- Implement recommendations of evaluation report
- Ensure that all recorded issues have been addressed
15 November 2007
Milestone 13: Final release of materials
- Upload static version of the materials
30 November 2007
Milestone 14: Evaluation review
- Conduct evaluation of this open development process
- Document lessons learned
- Recommendations for refinements to the open development model
15 Feb 2008