Childrens Services Flexible/Supporting Children

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Supporting Children Cluster (consists of 4 units)

Remember Unit Oulines are available from your teacher.

CHCFC301A Support the Development of Children

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This unit describes the knowledge and skills required by workers who support the physical, social, emotional, psychological, language and creative development of children from 0-12 years of age.

Go to CyberTots Section 

CHCIC301D Interact Effectively with Children

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This unit describes the knowledge and skills required by anyone working with children to ensure they can develop and maintain effective relationships and promote positive behaviour in the childcare environment.

Go to CyberTots Section

CHCPR301A Provide Experiences to Support Children's Play and Learning

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This unit describes the knowledge and skills required to conduct a range of activities that assist in enhancing children’s developmental and leisure experiences.

Go to CyberTots S​ection

CHCPR303D Develop Understanding of Children's Interest and Development Needs

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This unit describes the knowledge and skills required to gather information about children through observation and other sources as a basis for addressing their interests and developmental needs.

The following file gives you information and the templates for recording different types of observations:

Observation Guidelines (pdf)

Sandbox Lawn Jam Our Community Place Harrisonburg VA June 2008.jpg
Making soapbubbles-SteveEF.jpg

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To support your learning go to The Birth to Big School by Karen Kearns and Bev Austin read all chapters. You will need to complete the activities and insert answers and comments on your Supporting Children page.


QuestionsCluster 4 Written Questions (pdf)

Case studies:   Cluster 4 Case Study (pdf)

Problem Based LearningCluster 4 Problem Based Learning (pdf)