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/my sandbox | OER Contributions

Road Works.svg Work in progress, expect frequent changes. Help and feedback is welcome. See discussion page. Road Works.svg
Contact-new.svg Jordan Kalumba
Employer:Zambia Institute of Management
Today is: 18, July 2024
Certificate yellow.svg
This user was certified a Wiki Apprentice Level 1 by victor.mensah .

[please fillout the infobox on the right in edit mode]--Brian.Sikute 15:00, 10 September 2008 (UTC)

About Me

My name is Jordan Kalumba. I am a lecturer at Zambia Institute of Management City campus. I teach the following Courses Maths and Statistics. computer architecture, Programming and web design. I have been working for the college for four years.

my Experience

Flag of Zambia.svg

|Website= Before Zambia Institute of Management I worked for the University of Zambia. Were I used to do a number of statistical analysis for biological researchers using software packages such SPSS

my Profession

I am trained in computer mathematics and have done a number of networking projects

my Training expectations

I am now intending to contribute to this site very much in the coming months as am now free

my interests

My interests ts are watching scientific programmes(discoveries) playing music, bird watchin over the weekends,

What is pedagogy

This is a methodology of teaching

/my sandbox
