CFOS Unit3/Exercise 3.4 - Answers

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Exercise 3.4 - Answer Sheet

If you prepare a table using the Simple Depreciation and Annualization methods, the annual depreciation or loss of value for the computer equipment would be as follows:

Simple Depreciation Method Annualization Method
Initial Capital Cost of PCs 2,400,000 2,400,000
Year 1 400,000 506,400
Year 2 400,000 506,400
Year 3 400,000 506,400
Year 4 400,000 506,400
Year 5 400,000 506,400
Year 6 400,000 506,400
Total Amount Depreciated 2,400,000 3,038,400

Because you are comparing two possible alternative uses for this money, the most appropriate method to use in this situation is Annualization.