CCNC/CCNC Module 5/Designing and creating tables/Table Relationships/Self Assessment

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Tutorial.png Table Relationships 

Designing Relationships | Many-To-Many | Testing by Adding Data | Self Assessment | Summary & FAQs

Self Assessment

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Upon completion of this self assessment the learner will:
  • Create relationships between tables
  • Design table relationships, including; one-to-many and many-to-many
  • Apply rules to relationships to increase data integrity
  • Add and modify data to test the tables and relationships
  • Create a worksheet of test data scenarios

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Portfolio Activity

Refer back to the small school scenario presented during the beginning of this CCNC module. Read this scenario over and begin thinking about the relationship between grades, subjects and modules. Think about how a grade can have many subjects and how subjects can be in many grades. Think about how the joining of subjects to grades will then have modules available to that subject within that grade.

  1. Design a Grade entity (table)
  2. Design a Subject entity (table)
  3. Design the entity (cross reference table) that joins the Grade with the Subject.
  4. Now the hard part, Design the Module table. How does it relate the the Grade, Subject and cross reference table?
  5. Create all these tables and create relationships between the tables.
  6. Using pencil and paper write out testing data. Think of all the scenarios for the test data;
    1. Adding data, both parent and child data
    2. Updating the data, how would a module be moved from one grade to another?
    3. Deleting data, what would it take to delete a subject?
  7. After writing out all the test data, enter it into the new database tables.