C4C/Success Stories

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Success Stories

Partnership with Boys and Girls Club of Ottawa

  • Total Workshops: 22
  • Total volunteers who attended: aprox 220
  • Approx volunteer hours: over 880
  • Computers refurbished: approx 30

This is based on the total workshops in our registration system, an average of 8 volunteers + lab monitors for a 4 hour session.

This is fantastic. For those about to calculate the hours per computer, let me help. about 27 hours per computer.

Consider also the following, these hours include inventory control, system administration, one on one instruction, labeling, troubleshooting etc. These are all difficult to break down at this stage.

In short, Ottawa is up 30 computers and 800 hours in computer training.

Fred C. McCann Club House

What we do is so important! This evening I dropped off 5 computers to the Fred C. McCann Club house of the Boys and Girls Club of Ottawa, and I was so deeply moved I just have to tell you about it.

When I arrived at McCann and told them I was from Computers for Communities, Sarah was so thrilled to see me she could hardly contain herself. She must have thanked me and C4C a dozen times or more. She went to get help to unload the truck, and a large group of kids and young adults came out to lend a hand. We worked like a well-oiled machine, and everything was unloaded in less than 5 minutes.

I came inside afterwards to record the serial numbers of the computers, and was greeted by Sarah, who was still blown away by our generosity. She told me of the families that had received computers, and how immensely grateful they were. They said this gift has truly changed their lives. One mother asked her to give us the message, "thank God for you!" We both couldn't help getting a little misty-eyed when she told me what a miracle this has been for them.

She went on to say that when they ran out of computers, they posted notices at their clubhouse encouraging families to inquire about the free computers. The response was overwhelming, and Sarah had to begin a waiting list. 3 of the 5 computers they received tonight are already spoken for, and the rest will be gone very soon.

To us, an old computer is such a simple and modest gift. But to these disadvantaged families, it has meant a dramatic change in their quality of life. Your donations of time, energy, funds, and equipment have meant more than you'll ever know. I thought you should hear about the awesome things you are making possible through your kindness. I'm incredibly proud to be a C4C volunteer, and I hope you are too. Thank you for all that you do.

"To the world you may be just one person, but to one person you may be the world." ~ Brandi Snyder

All the best,