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Who we are

BCcampus is a Ministry of Advanced Education, British Columbia, Canada initiative providing educational technology and distance learning services to BC's public post-secondary institutions, their students, faculty and administrators.

BCcampus works to connect, collaborate and innovate - connecting institutions and educators with learners around the province. By connecting institutions and educators, we foster a climate of collaboration where innovative new educational technologies and opportunities can thrive.

Our ultimate goal is to help BC's public post-secondary institutions create a federated system where information and student data, curriculum, courses, and programs flow freely and securely between institutions.


What we do on WikiEducator

BCcampus expects to see growing use and synergy between multiple "open" approaches including Open Educational Resources (OER), open source software, and open access research publication. Participating in the OERF gives us an opportunity to connect with and learn from others on the global development and deployment of these open approaches.

We are particularly interested in:

  • Working with others on strategies that combine "open" approaches
  • Forming partnerships for development and reuse of OER
  • Academic utilization of OER for credentials
  • Forming partnerships to seek research funding and foundation grants to advance OER practices



BCcampus joins the OER Foundation as a founding member. "What better way is there to ensure a more collaborative and constructive future for our children than to invest in bringing knowledge and ideas to learners using global networks that touch everyone. Initiatives such as WikiEducator and the OER Foundation are demonstrating the power of open educational resources to expand access to knowledge. (David Porter, Executive Director, BCcampus, Canada.) Read more ...

Our community discussion list

OER Foundation Thought Leader's Forum

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