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Apply Safe Work Practices In the Workplace

Objectives | Activities | Resources

People who know how to apply safe work practices in the workplace are able to identify the principles of workplace safety in a given workplace and demonstrate safe work practices in a given workplace.

Botanic Nomenclature

Objectives | Activities | Resources

This learning objective is for people working, or intending to work, in horticulture. People who know about Botanic Nomenclature are able to: state how plant names are given or changed; use correct nomenclature for naming plants; identify four unfamiliar plants

Identify, Label, and Present Common Trees Shrubs and Climbers

Objectives | Activities | Resources

This learning objective is for people working, or intending to work, in amenity horticulture. People who know how to identify, label, and present common trees shrubs and climbers are able to investigate the cultural requirements of specified plants, select plants for specific uses and sites.

Maintain handtools

Objectives | Activities | Resources

This learning objective is for people working, or intending to work, in any kind of horticulture. People who know how to maintain hand tools and service small engines used in horticulture are able to: identify the range of tools and equipment used in horticulture; sharpen three hand tools using files, oilstones or grindstones, and electric bench grinders; and check and service two stroke and four stroke small engines used in horticulture.

Maintain a chainsaw

Objectives | Activities | Resources

This learning objective is for professional users of chainsaws in the forestry and other industries. People who know about chainsaw maintenance are able to: demonstrate knowledge of the chainsaw cutting unit; sharpen a chainsaw chain; and maintain a chainsaw power unit.

New Zealand Approved Code of Practice relating to chainsaw use

Objectives | Activities | Resources

People who know about the New Zealand approved code of practice relating to chainsaw use are able to: demonstrate knowledge of duties assigned under the requirements of the Health and Safety in Employment Act; demonstrate knowledge of the Rules for chainsaws contained in the Approved Code of Practice; describe requirements relating to the transport and use of chainsaw fuel; and demonstrate knowledge of personal protection and first aid requirements for chainsaw operators.

Train and Prune Fruit Trees

Objectives | Activities | Resources

This learning objective is for people working in fruit production. People who know how to train and prune fruit trees are able to: identify the main fruit tree training systems and tree parts; train and prune a tree between newly planted and three years old; prune a mature tree according to a training system; and dispose of prunings.

Weeds and their Control

Objectives | Activities | Resources

People who know about weeds and their control are able to: identify weeds, and the ways they survive and spread; and describe methods of weed prevention and control, and the relationship between weed control and plant life cycles.

Control Weeds Under Supervision

Objectives | Activities | Resources

People who know about controlling weeds under supervision are able to, under supervision: control weeds by physical means; and with agrichemicals; using methods relevant to a specified land based industry.

Plan and Manage a Weed Control Programme

Objectives | Activities | Resources

People who know how to plan and manage a weed control programme are able to: describe the principles and methods of weed management and control; develop a weed management programme for a specified land based activity.

Develop maintenance programmes in hard and soft landscaping

Objectives | Activities | Resources

Develop a maintenance programme for: lawns; trees, shrubs and climbers; annuals, perennials, and bulbs; hard landscaping areas; and to prepare a costing for a maintenance programme.

Demonstrate knowledge of permaculture and plan a site

Objectives | Activities | Resources