Albany Senior High School/Coursebook/3GEO

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Information icon.svg 3GEO
NCEA Level:
Primary Qualification:
Primary Learning Area:

What is this course about?

The Blue Marble.jpg

Geography is the study of the environment as the home of people and seeks to interpret the world and how it changes over time. Relationships and connections between people and their natural and cultural environments are explored. This is important as we are both local and global citizens. we may not leave the security of our local environment but still have knowledge and an interest in what is happening globally. Global events also impact on our lives (daily - cost of living, security and long term ability to travel and where me may one day work).

Environments such as the local coastal environments and Omaha or the Tongariro National Park are used in a study to understand how interacting natural processes shape a New Zealand geographic environment. Alternately a trip to Waitomo is part of a case study aiming to understand how cultural processes, tourism development shape the geographic environment. The cultural processes topic also studies tourism development in Bali.

Research and application of geographic skills are developed in studies involving a contemporary geographic issue, Development of research skills focusing on a local contemporary issue aims to promotes participation, ownership and critical citizenship. Use of ITC tools in research and presentation of findings are important personal transferable skills for lifelong learning. The study of a contemporary geographic issue fosters an understanding of the nature of the issue and how the values and perceptions of individual's or groups of people have been influenced to response to the issue and student' are required to promote a justifies suitable course of action.

The global scale topic may involve a study of conflict (Blood Diamonds) a global trend (tourism growth), a humanitarian issue (refugees, migrants, human trafficking) or a pandemic (Zika, Ebola). This is aimed at identifying the global pattern, explaining the causal factors and processes, and evaluating the social and economic significance of the global topic. The Rhythm and Vines concert or Pasifica Festival are examples of events that are used to analyse a significant contemporary event from a geographic perspective.

Watch the following video to get an idea of"What is Geography" The following link highlights the uniqueness of the earth. "HOME" shot in 54 countries and 120 locations over 217 days, an environmentally conscious documentary presenting the many wonders of planet Earth from an entirely aerial perspective. The following website highlights the splendor of planet Earth, the place we call home; and the juxtapose page shows how it is changed by human and natural influences.

What will I learn?

A study of a volcanic or coastal environment; Tongariro National Park or Omaha and local beaches is conducted to establish the characteristics and features of the areas. The natural processes that operate in these areas. Alternately the Waitomo Caves Village and Bali are used as case studies in the analysis of tourism developent as an example of cultural processes. The focus of this topic is on the operation, variation and changes that have occurred in the tourism development of these regions.  The effects of the cultural process on the environment and its people is also studied. A choice is made between a study of natural or cultural processes and will involve a day trip to Omaha or an overnight trip to Tongaririo or Waitomo.

You will learn how to conduct geographic research and link this to a study of a contemporary geographic issue aimed at identifing the geographic nature of the issue, the various viewpoints held by stakeholder and evaluation of a range of courses of action leading to a justified recommendation.

The global study involves a topic or theme across regions or nations which have worldwide relevance.

The study of a significant contemporary event from a geographic perspective focuses on the nature of the event, the planning and decision making involved in the event and the social, economic and cultural impacts of the event.

You will also develop your understanding of key geographic concepts and skill in order to show your understanding of a given environment. This is essentially a geography comprehension exercise using resources presented in text, graphical, statistical, visual images, photographs, maps and aerial photographic form.

Assessments offer you an opportunity to gather and present information in a variety of ways.

What sorts of things will I do?

You will:

  • go on a fieldtrip to Omaha beach to study coastal processes. OR
  • go on a fieldtrip to National Park OR
  • visit Waitomo to experience the thrills of being a tourist and study tourism development.
  • plan and reseach a topic. collect, process and present your findings.
  • use maps and images of your study areas.
  • develop your spreadsheets and powerpoint skills to present your research.
  • study contemporary issues.
  • study a global issue

What standards can I enter?

Summary of Achievement Standards

NCEA Level Standard Number Name of standard Domain
Version Number Credits Assessment Assessment Dates

UE Literacy

Reading Writing
3 AS 91426 (3.1) Demonstrate understanding of how interacting natural processes shape a New Zealand geographic environment Geography 1 4 External External
16 Nov
Yes Yes
3 AS 91427 (3.2) Demonstrate understanding of how a cultural process shapes geographic environment(s) Geography 1 4 External External
16 Nov
Yes Yes
3 AS 91429 (3.4) Demonstrate understanding of a given environment(s) through the selection and application of geographic concepts and skills Geography 1 4 External External
16 Nov
Yes Yes
3 AS 91432 (3.7) Analyse aspects of a geographic topic at a global scale. Geography 1 3 Internal Term 1
Week 10
4 April
No No
3 AS 91431 (3.6) Analyse aspects of a contemporary geographic ISSUE Geography 1 3 Internal Term 2
Week 5
30 May
Yes No
3 AS 91430 (3.5) Conduct geographic research with consultation Geography 1 5 Internal Term 3
Week 1
25 July
No No
3 AS 91428 (3.3) Analyse a significant contemporary EVENT from a geographic perspective Geography 1 3 Internal Term 3
Week 6
29 August
Yes No

External pathway

TWO external achievement standards and THREE internal  achievement standards

Internal pathway

FOUR internal achievement standards

Total credits offered

(Internal + External)

Total credits offered (Internal only)




Vocational Pathways provide a framework for students to show how their learning and achievement is valued in the workplace by aligning learning to the skills needed for industry.  Follow this link to see the profile for this course.

Scholarship opportunities

A group of students will prepare for the Geography Scholarship assessment. This will r a broader interest in current global geographic issues and build on course material. These require attendance at three scholarship afternoon workshops run by the Auckland Geography Teachers Association (AGTA) in conjunction with the University of Auckland Environmental Sciences Department and tutorials at school during term three.

Frequently asked questions:

Are there any costs for this course?

Class trips will incur a charge for transport, entry fees and accomodation if over night.

Purchase of prescribed write-in workbooks will be required and charged at the nominal retail prices

  • Geography concepts and skills write-in workbook $25 used in preparation for the external assessment - "Demonstrate understanding of a given environment through selection and application of geographic concepts and skills"  (AS 91429 (3,4))
  • A two night trip to Tongariro National Park. (Cost to be advised approximately $200)

Year Planner 

Course Schedule Year Planner 2017 Term 1 & 2 GEOGRAPHY 3GEO for WikiEd

Course Schedule Year Planner 2017 Term 3 & 4 GEOGRAPHY 3GEO for WikiEd