ASHS Coursebook: 3ENG (Year 13 English)

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Information icon.svg 3ENG
NCEA Level:
Primary Qualification:
Primary Learning Area:

What is this course about?

In this course you will develop your ability to show a discriminating and insightful understanding of a broad range of increasingly sophisticated texts and language techniques as well as communicating your own ideas in a sustained and convincing manner. Students may opt to sit scholarship examinations and their course will integrate the work towards this in standards during the course of the year.

The course has also a thematic approach/overarching theme. Some of the popular themes used in level 3 English are:

  • The search for identity
  • Societies' power to crush the individual

What will I learn?

  • How to write confidently and precisely in a range of styles to express your ideas.
  • How to comprehensively explore and articulate your ideas verbally through speeches, presentations and debates.
  • How to closely read for meaning, effect and language techniques and make connections by analysing static and moving visual texts.
  • How to integrate sources of information and use processes and structures precisely to understand and respond to surface level and deeper ideas within texts.
  • How to analyse and show a discriminating and insightful understanding of different readings available within a text.
  • Why and how to sustain use of accurate and integrated language features in a range of situations and for different audiences.

What sorts of things will I do?

  • Read a range of written, visual and oral texts such as novels, short stories, articles, poetry, films, and static images.
  • Write, speak and create visual texts to express your own ideas.
  • Analyse and examine perspectives and ideas in texts and demonstrate your understanding of these through creating your own texts.

Personal Excellence

Achieving success is all about deciding what you can do to challenge yourself and doing the best you can to reach your goals. One way to do this in English could be to choose particular standards in which you could achieve Merit or Excellence. Another way might be to aim for a subject endorsed certificate in English – 14 credits at Merit or Excellence (4 credits need to come from an External). To achieve challenging goals and quality credits this year you should work closely with your peers, parents/caregivers, tutor and teacher.

Something else to consider is preparation for Scholarship Examinations at the end of the year. These are a very challenging set of assessments. Please ask your English teacher about the program that will run in 2016 or see Jessica Stokes.

Conditions for Assessment

Standards such as the writing portfolio are only able to be worked on in class. This is to ensure authenticity – that all work that you submit is your own. It is important that you understand the conditions of assessment for these standards and that you direct any questions about when and how you're able to work on them to your teacher.

Submitting Internal Assessments

It is important that you take note of the due dates for your internal assessments. All internal assessments must be submitted on or prior to the due date, unless prior approval has been granted for special circumstances (refer to your NCEA guidelines or talk to your teacher about this). Assessments that are submitted after the due date, without prior approval, will receive a Not Achieved.

Resubmissions and Reassessments

Resubmissions can only be offered once and only when small errors or omissions need to be corrected in your work in a short period of time. Resubmissions are not available to students who just want to improve their grade; you may have the opportunity to do this through a reassessment, however you need to check with your teacher, as reassessments are not available in every standard. Please read the NZQA assessment document that your teacher will give you carefully so you are fully aware of these conditions.

Course Outline for 2017

Term 1 (11 weeks) Term 2 (10 weeks) Term 3 (10 weeks) Term 4 (4 weeks)
Introduction to course theme (1 week)

3.9 Close Viewing (6 weeks)

3.8 Critical Text Research (7 weeks – this will go into Term 2)

3.8 Critical Text Research continued (2 weeks)

3.4 Writing Portfolio (3 weeks)

3.1 or 3.2 Text Study (4 weeks)

3.5 Seminar (1 week)

3.4 Writing Portfolio (3 weeks)

3.1 or 3.2 Text Study (4 weeks)

Revision and 3.5 Seminar (2 weeks)

Revision (4 Weeks)
Key Dates

Week 7:

3.9 Close Viewing Due

Key Dates

Week 2:

3.8 Critical Text Research Due

Week 6:

3.4 Writing Portfolio – Piece One Due

Key Dates

Week 3:

3.4 Writing Portfolio – Piece Two Due

Week 8:

3.5 Seminar Due (teacher discretion)

Week 9:

Preliminary Examinations

Key Dates

Standards Available

NCEA Level: Standard Number: Name of standard: Version Number: Credits: Assessment: UE literacy (reading): UE literacy (writing):
3.1 Respond critically to specified aspect(s) of studied written text(s), supported by evidence 1 4 External Y Y
3.2 Respond critically to to specified aspect(s) of studied visual or oral text(s), supported by evidence 1 4 External
3.4 Produce a selection of fluent and coherent writing which develops, sustains and structures ideas 1 6 Internal
3.5 Create and deliver a fluent and coherent oral text which develops, sustains and structures ideas 1 3 Internal
3.8 Develop an informed understanding of literature and/or language using critical texts 1 4 Internal
3.9 Respond critically to significant aspects of visual and/or oral text(s) through close reading, supported by evidence 1 3 Internal

NOTE: The standard course contains only one external, although some students may opt to sit both externals. Total available credits: 20 (24)

Vocational Pathways provide a framework for students to show how their learning and achievement is valued in the workplace by aligning learning

to the skills needed for industry. 

Follow this link to see the profile for this course.