ASHS Coursebook: 3DIG (Level 3 Digital Technologies)

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Information icon.svg 3DIG
NCEA Level:
Primary Qualification:
Primary Learning Area:

What is this course about?

A reality of modern life is that, for almost any job, "computer literacy" is a basic requirement. You will, no doubt, also realise that Information Technology Professionals are highly sought after in the workplace and hence are amongst the top salary earners. These men and woman have taken their knowledge and skills far beyond the level of computer literacy. They are the Architects, Engineers and Developers of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Their passion is to invent and conceive new ideas. In turn, they are constantly learning and acquiring the latest knowledge and qualifications.

At Albany Senior High our aim with Digital Technology is to teach and apply the best and most up-to-date IT Professional practices. Our courses are not about simply helping our students' become computer literate. Instead our courses are about educating students' to become IT professionals.

If you enroll for the Year 13 course you will undertake the following project:

You are a professional Information Technology (IT) and Information Systems (IS) Consultant. You are required to source a Client and Project and develop a solution that clearly meets the needs of the Client.

What will I learn?

You will learn to manage IT Projects, including how to formulate and implement strategies and processes which enable various digital tools and technologies to be used effectively for the management and presentation of information.

The key areas of knowledge are:

  • Advanced use of software application/s to meet project needs
  • Enterprising and innovative presentation of information
  • Collaborative projects
  • Business-related practices (accounting functions, project lifecycles, and e-business technology use)
  • Onsite industry experience or short-term tertiary contact
  • Global connections (podcasting, online interaction, and global portal projects)
  • Safe working practices and relevant codes of practice and conduct
  • Examination and use of a variety of telecommunications technologies

During this course you will learn to...

  • Demonstrate efficient and advanced use of data, text, and media in effective and enterprising ways
  • Show evidence of project management skills throughout a project’s entire lifecycle
  • Participate in a collaborative project
  • Work collaboratively with a stakeholder to address an authentic issue
  • Identify and manage problems and solutions using an appropriate case study
  • Participate, where possible, in a non-school setting

What sorts of things will I do?

What standards can I enter?

Summary of standards:
NCEA Level: Standard Number: Name of standard: Version Number: Credits: Assessment:
Technology 3.2 - Develop a one-off solution to address a client issue
Information and Communication Technology 3.7 - Demonstrate advanced skills in information and communication technology
Information and Communication Technology 3.6 - Explain knowledge that underpins an information and communication technology outcome

Total available credits: 15

Scholarship opportunities

Technology Scholarship requires students to demonstrate that they can synthesise and critically analyse their technological experiences. Evidence for assessment is required to be presented in a reflective report with supporting portfolio evidence.

The reflective report should: explain the complexities of a situation that the student has identified and explored in the development of a technological outcome through undertaking technological practice; and provide justifications for the technological practices they adopted to develop a technological outcome, as well as evidence of the technological outcome itself.

The portfolio evidence should support the reflective report and provide evidence which illustrates the technological practice the student undertook and the technological outcome they developed Students who have been successful in Technology Scholarship examination have usually used a major project where they developed a technological outcome which has also been assessed against the Level 3 internal and/or external achievement standards.

Frequently asked questions:

Are there any prerequisites for this course?

There are no set prerequisites for Product Design courses at Albany Senior High School. It is however within the nature of the subject area that through the senior years, although students build their abilities using familiar methods of design and production, study will be at ever deeper more sophisticated levels.

There is an expectation that over this time students will move towards greater levels of independence where they are demonstrating enthusiasm, self motivation and perseverance in order to solve authentic design problems within their specialist Technological area.

It is therefore advisable that you always speak to the specialist Technology teacher working in your area of interest before making final decisions on course choice.