ASHS Coursebook: 2TRA (Level 2 Travel and Tourism)

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Information icon.svg 2TRA
NCEA Level:
Primary Qualification:
Primary Learning Area:

What is this course about?

"Tourism is New Zealand's largest export industry in terms of foreign exchange earnings. It directly employs 7.5 per cent of the New Zealand workforce". Studying travel and tourism offers a great variety of career opportunities, if you love dealing with people then this industry is for you! It is a fun, diverse and dynamic industry to be involved in, and it provides a number of opportunities for travelling New Zealand and the world.

This ASHS travel and tourism course gives you a sound base from which to go on to tourism studies at any of the available tertiary tourism providers. At the end of the two-year course (level 2 and 3 travel and tourism) successful students are only a few credits away from achieving the National Certificate in Tourism (Secondary Schools) Level 2. Credits gained here at ASHS can progress forward into tertiary tourism courses, as well as other areas of tourism study such as hospitality, flight attending or management courses. Credits gained in this course also count toward Level 2 NCEA.

By completing this course students will gain the knowledge and skills required by the travel and tourism industry as the basis for further training for the tourism and travel industry. Students who complete this course are able to demonstrate communication skills: written and verbal, mathematics, and information technology in the context of the tourism and travel industry. This includes knowledge of world geography and tourism destinations within New Zealand, as well as tourism as a worldwide industry.

What will I learn?

On completion of this course you should be able to:

  • describe the characteristics and needs of tourist and distinguish between domestic and international tourists.
  • understand why and how international tourists are important to New Zealand
  • identify and describe work roles in tourism
  • know what skills, personal attributes and presentation requirements are required in tourism work roles and evaluate yourself in relation to these
  • perform tourism workplace calculations and describe why and how these are important
  • demonstrate the role of the internet and it's uses in tourism workplaces
  • describe New Zealand as a tourist destination and the role that inbound and domestic tourist plays in New Zealand

These may be regarded as the people, industry and employment opportunities of travel and tourism.

  • locate regions, countries and gateway cities of the world, identify world tourism generating markets, host destinations, activities and events on a world scale.

These may be regarded as the attraction and activities of places you may one day visit.

  • describe the impacts of tourism on the physical environment
  • analyse and describe the positive and negative impacts social and cultural impacts of tourism.

These may be regarded as the effects and demands that travel and tourism makes on the environment.

You will be required to complete tasks individually and in groups as well as do presentations to the class. These activities are aimed at developing your ability to work well as apart of a team and to develop the transferable skills most valued by employers. Go to for a list of the Top 10 Skills Employers look for.

What sorts of things will I do?

During the course of the year you will:

  • discover a wealth of tourism attractions and activities in Auckland by competing in a Auckland Day Trip, including visits to businesses in the accommodation, activities and transportation sections of the tourism industry.
  • go on field trips, and develop knowledge of our Maori tourism industry and understand the importance of this to our international tourists.
  • attend presentations by people employed in the tourism industry and tertiary tourism colleges.
  • use the internet, maps and travel publications to gather information to complete set tasks in a series of workbooks. Each unit standard has a workbook (see the table below).
  • complete unit standards component assessments as your understanding and knowledge of the topics unfolds. All the assessments are internal.
  • collect 22 credits toward NCEA Level 2

What standards can I enter?

Summary of Unit Standards

*Travel and Tourism credits DO NOT COUNT to NCEA Literacy and Numeracy requirements.

NCEA'Level' Standard Number Name of Standard Version Crds* Assessment


Link to Unit Standard
Assessment Date
2 US24732 Demonstrate knowledge of tourist characteristics and needs. 1 3 Internal Visitor Services Term 1
Week 6
2 US23767 Demonstrate knowledge of and use the internet in a tourism workplace 1 2 Internal Visitor Services Term 1
Week 8


Demonstrate knowledge of work roles in tourism. 1 3 Internal Visitor Services Term 2
Week 1
2 US24731 Demonstrate knowledge of destination New Zealand. 2 4 Internal Visitor Services Term 2
Week 10
2 US24727 Describe and compare impacts of tourism on the physical environment. 1 3 Internal Visitor Services Term 3
Week 4
2 US24729 Demonstrate knowledge of world tourist destinations. 2 4 Internal Visitor Services Term 4

Week 1


Perform calculations for a tourism workplace

Visitor Services
 Term 2

Week 4

Total credits offered: 22

Vocational Pathways provide a framework for students to show how their learning and achievement is valued in the workplace by aligning learning to the skills needed for industry.  Follow this link to see the profile for this course.

Frequently asked questions:

Are there any costs for this course?

Yes. Class trips will incur a charge for transport, entry fees and accommodation for overnight trips.

The cost of the course material is subsidised by STAR funding.