ASHS Coursebook: 2MED (Level 2 Media Studies)

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Information icon.svg 2MED
NCEA Level:
Primary Qualification:
Primary Learning Area:

What is this course about?

The media are everywhere. They feed us fact and fantasy, ideas and information, sign and symbol, truth and lies. Their influence is profound.

(Victoria University Career View)

An increasing amount of what we 'know' comes to us through the media, so it is important we understand what lies behind the making and marketing of media products. We are targeted audiences for those products so we need to know how and why those products attract and influence us.

Media technologies are developing rapidly - consider, for example, the short time the internet has existed, the speed at which it continues to develop and the enormous influence it has. Technological developments mean that we are increasingly becoming media producers and broadcasters ourselves.

Because the media are already such a large part of our lives, Media Studies is an authentic and relevant course of study which also enables us to use and extend knowledge we already have. The skills and knowledge developed (eg critical analysis, understanding of symbolism and media languages, practical skills etc) helps become more discerning media consumers in a constantly changing and interconnected world. Better understanding of the media also deepens our enjoyment of the pleasures they have to offer.

What will I learn?

You will study the relationship between media products and their audiences, examining how and why media producers and broadcasters target and measure particular audiences for their products. You will closely read a variety of media texts to understand how filmmakers tell their stories, and you will complete a study of one specific genre. You will learn and use appropriate media terminology, develop your skills in filming and editing and design, and make your own short film.

What sorts of things will I do?

You will be involved in a variety of learning activities in both group and individual situations and in the film-making unit you will work with another student on your project. There will be regular practice in close-reading (also valuable for this skill in other subjects) and you will be expected to practise this skill in your own viewing. You will also be expected to contribute to group and class discussions. Some areas of study will involve research. We will invite 'experts' in as guest speakers when appropriate and take advantage of involvement in the real media when we can.

What standards can I enter?

NCEA Level: Standard Number: Name of standard: Version Number: Credits: UE Literacy Reading: UE Literacy Writing: UE Numeracy: Assessment:
2 AS91249 2.2 Demonstrate understanding of narrative in media texts
3 4 N N N Internal
2 AS91251 2.4 Demonstrate understanding of an aspect of a media genre 4
4 Y Y N External
2 AS91252 2.5 Produce a design and plan for a developed media product using a range of conventions 2
4 N N N Internal
2 AS91253 2.6 Complete a developed media product from a design and plan using a range of conventions 3
6 N N N Internal
2 AS91254 2.7 Demonstrate understanding of an ethical issue in the media 2 3 N N N Internal

Total available credits: 21

Key Dates/Assessments:

Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4

2.7 Ethical Issue in the Media

(Due early April)

2.5 Design a film trailer

(Due late May)

2.6 Create film trailer

(Due early July)

2.2 Narrative in media texts (close reading)

(Due mid September)

2.7 Ethical Issue in the Media

(reassessment opportunity)

External examinations for:

2.4 Media genre (November)

Vocational Pathways

Vocational Pathways provide a framework for students to show how their learning and achievement is valued in the workplace by aligning learning to the skills needed for industry.  

Follow this link to see the profiles for this course:

Assessment Calendar

Link to Year 12 Assessment Calendar

Frequently asked questions:

Do I need to have taken Media Studies in Level 1?


Where does Media Studies go from here?

Media Studies continues into Level 3 and there is a Scholarship examination for those who choose this. Media also continues on into tertiary study at universities and technical institutions in a variety of forms.

How is this learning related to future pathways?

A knowledge of media is increasingly important for a wide range of careers. Those directly associated with media include advertising, broadcasting, journalism, scriptwriting, copy-writing, film and television production, web design, sound, light and camera engineers and operators, music industry roles and media law. Knowledge of media processes and industries is important for a wide range of other careers - some examples include public relations, event managemenet, company management, the hospitality industry, tourism, marketing and research.

Is Media Studies a University Entrance approved subject at Level 3?

Yes, Media Studies is U.E. approved.

How do I obtain a Subject Endorsement in Media Studies?

To obtain a Subject Endorsement in Media Studies, you must achieve 14 credits at Merit or Excellence from both internals and the external.

Are there costs involved in this course?

Class trips may incur a charge for transport and entry fees.