ASHS Coursebook: 2FOD (Level 2 Food Technology)

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Information icon.svg 2FOD
NCEA Level:
Primary Qualification:
Primary Learning Area:

What is this course about?

At Level 2 students will undertake a course of study based around two projects involving the three strands of the curriculum, these being Technological Practice, Nature of Technology and Technological Knowledge. The design process will be used to problem solve the brief which will be proposed by their chosen client.

NB Courses to run in 2014 will contain a cross departmental structure.

What will I learn?

The year twelve course builds on the foundation of year eleven course. Although the course has no pre-resquisites students who have studied in an area of technology or graphics will have a definite advantage of prior knowledge.

The first project is about understanding the process of manufacturing a particular product and the health and safety requirements that fit over the product.It will possibly be developing a bread product where yeast fermentation will be the investigation and experimentation with different flours and sugars to provide evidence about the fermentation. Also about the gluten content of different flours and the affect on the end product will be investigated.

The second project will be developed from a given brief and through conceptual development the brief will be refined and an outcome will be established.From the experiments in this project a range of different modelling aspects will be looked at

What will I do?

Visit a local factory to speak with the Food Technologists to understand the brief development process in industry. A walk through of the factory floor to gain knowledge in systems and sub-systems used in manufacture. Comparison of two food technologists work and how this influences your own development work. Using the design process to problem solve the established brief. Learning how ingredients work together and some basic food chemistry.

What standards can I enter?

Summary of standards:
NCEA Level: Standard Number: Name of standard: Version Number: Credits: Assessment:
2 91354 92.1)
Undertake brief development to address an issue


Milk product

term 3

2 91356 (2.3)
Develop a conceptual design for an outcome


Milk product

term 3

2 91358 (2.5)
  Demonstrate understanding of how technological modelling supports risk management


functional modelling draft

term 3

2 91351 (2.60) 

Implement advanced procedures to process a specified process

1 4


Tart making processes

term 1

Total available credits: 20

Frequently asked questions:

Are there any prerequisites for this course?

There are no set prerequisites for Product Design courses at Albany Senior High School.
It is however within the nature of the subject area that through the senior years although students build their abilities using familiar methods of design and production study will be at ever deeper more sophisticated levels.
There is an expectation that over this time students will move towards greater levels of independence where they are demonstrating enthusiasm, self motivation and perseverance in order to solve authentic design problems within their specialist Technological area. It is therefore advisable that you always speak to the specialist Technology teacher working in your area of interest before making final decisions on course choice.