ASHS Coursebook: 2EAP (Year 12)

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Information icon.svg 2ESL
NCEA Level:
Primary Qualification:
Primary Learning Area:

What is this course about?

2 EAP develops academic language, through the four skills of reading, writing, speaking
and listening. Students study a range of literature, complete research assignments,
and learn to write academic essays. This course enables students to gain the Level 2
Literacy Credits.
Recommended Background: The ability to understand and respond to
basic English, and to express ideas and information in writing.

What will I learn?

The focus is on providing students with a range of English language experiences so they can become proficient users of English in reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Students will be given adequate challenges to develop their ideas by reading reports, speeches and academic essays with first language support. Some main stream English materials will be used to keep up with Year 12 and Year 13 students' mental capacity. Students will have the opportunity to gain Level 2 Literacy Credits.

Course design principles:

intentional planning - you will be invited to select topics that you find interesting

high expectations - your teacher will have high expectations for you and her door will

always be open for you to discuss where your learning is going

assessment which enables learning - assessment will not be an isolated occurence. Rather, your teacher will gather evidence that you yourself provide of your learning experience as you progress.

What sorts of things will I do?

Read and write recounts.
Read a range of academic texts (research reports).
Develop listening skills in different contexts.
Develop written and oral presentation skills
Use skimming and scanning strategies.

Learn to identify main points and supporting details.

Analyse the cause and effect of social issues.

Learn how to craft and produce arguments.

Guidance Notes

ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages)

EAP (English for Academic Purposes) is a subject name such as Math

EL (English Language)

There are four levels in EL.

You can gain Merit and Excellence in EL Levels 3 and 4.

Can be used for university entrance, but EL Standards gained in EAP do not appear in Auckland University approved subject tables A and B.

If you are a Year 13 student, it is good to think about which university you want to apply for as soon as possible so that you can check out the requirements.

Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4
Introduction to course and theme
Placement Tests: Reading, Writing, Vocabulary, listening, grammar (2 weeks)
Level 3 US28056 Read and understand texts on familiar topics. (7 weeks)
Level 3 US 28064 Present information on a familiar topic. (7 weeks)

Level 3 US 28068 Write texts on familiar topics (EL) (9 weeks)

Level 3 US28052 Demonstrate understanding of detailed spoken instructions





Reading recounts

Homework Homework
Key dates / Milestones

Week 1,2 – Placement Tests

Reading, writing,  listening vocabulary
Week 5 - Reading Assessment Task 1

Week 9 - Reading Assessment Task 2

Key dates / Milestones

Week 7 Speech Assessment

Key dates / Milestones

Week 4 - Writing Task 1

Week 9 - Writing Task 2

Key dates / Milestones

Week 4 - Listening Assessment
Note: Week 1 is preliminary exam week

What standards can I enter?

Level Unit Standards Numbers Version Credits Type
3 Read and understand texts on familiar topics US 28056 1 5 credits Internal
3 Present information on a familiar topic US 28064 2 5 credits Internal
3 Write texts on familiar topics US 28068 1 5 credits Internal
3 Demonstrate understanding of detailed spoken instructions US 28052 2 5 credits internal

The course will consist of a selection of the above standards
20 credits