ASHS Coursebook: 2CRE (Level 2 Creative Cooking)

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Information icon.svg 2CRE
NCEA Level:
Primary Qualification:
Primary Learning Area:

What is this course about?

This course would appeal to students interested in persuing a career in the hospitality industry, or to someone who just has a passion for cooking and wants to expand their knowledge and skill level. The course is based on unit standards set by the hospitality industry and are part of a National Certificate in Cookery. There will also be an opportunity to master the skills of a barista.

What will I learn?

Students studying this course will follow the requirements of the Hospitality Training Institute, which have a compulsory theory component as well as a practical application. To be accredited with any of these standards there is a pre-requisite of Unit Standard 167 which is Food Safety and Hygiene and students need to pass this before they can progress any further.

Students will have the opportunity to cater for school functions therefore creating genuine, authentic catering opportunities.

This is a combined class with level 3 students, thus the reason for combined standards.

What sorts of things will I do?

HSI provide booklets that students must complete and these are a combination of theory related to the standard and practical application which is observed for assessment. Wherever it is possible "real life" situations will be used for catering purposes to expose students to prepare food in bulk quantities and to work under pressure.

What standards can I enter?

Summary of standards:
NCEA Level: Standard Number: Name of standard: Version Number: Credits: Assessment:
2 167
Practice food safety methods in a food business
InternalTerm 3
2 13272 Cook foods by baking 3
2 Internal Term 1
3 15627 Demonstrate creativity in meal preparation and presentation 2
6  Internal Term2/3
3 6648 Prepare, plan and serve food for a special occasion 3
4 Internal Term 3/4

Total available credits: 16

Frequently asked questions:

Are there any prerequisites for this course?

There are no set prerequisites for Product Design courses at Albany Senior High School. It is however within the nature of the subject area that through the senior years, although students build their abilities using familiar methods of design and production, study will be at ever deeper more sophisticated levels.

There is an expectation that over this time students will move towards greater levels of independence where they are demonstrating enthusiasm, self motivation and perseverance in order to solve authentic design problems within their specialist Technological area.

It is therefore advisable that you always speak to the specialist Technology teacher working in your area of interest before making final decisions on course choice.