ASHS Coursebook: 1MUS (Level 1 Music)

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Information icon.svg 1MUS
NCEA Level:
Primary Qualification:
Primary Learning Area:

What is this course about?

Music is an enriching subject that leads to a lifelong enjoyment and appreciation of music. It has been discovered, through research, that music develops mental and physical abilities and develops co-operation and self-expression. The activity of working creatively and analytically with music develops the brain’s capacity to be flexible, to think laterally and to manage complexity. The study of music equips you with transferable skills, valuable in many areas of employment and leads to a diverse range of career pathways.  Level One is a whole course; composition, performance and theory will be taught together, developing you as a whole musician to allow you greater appreciation and understanding of the subject.

What will I learn?

ASHS Music NCEA Level 1 FLOW.png
You will develop your skills as a well-rounded performer and musician. This course is hands-on, designed to cater for those who enjoy practical music-making, (playing an instrument or singing in any style), as well as developing your skills in composition, musical knowledge and aural.  You will learn to be a whole musician, the theoretical and aural skills will be taught through practical activities preparing you for assessments throughout the year.  By the end of Level One you should have the basics required for further study and have a greater understanding of how and why music is formed across many genres and cultures.

What sorts of things will I do?

As a Performer you will continue to have instrumental lessons and will join/form ensembles to play in.  As a Composer you will develop your Music writing both acoustically and through computer programmes such as Sibelius.  As a Musician you will develop your aural and notation skills through the listening and analysis of music across many genres.  Your learning of Musical theory and history will aid your composition and performance skills as you gain a greater understanding and knowledge of the elements of music.

Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4

Key Dates / Milestones
  • Composition One should be completed AS91092
Key Dates / Milestones
  • Assessments on Take Five will be completed AS91095
  • The school show takes place
  • Performance opportunity AS91090 and AS91091
Key Dates / Milestones
  • Composition two will be completed AS91092
  • Assessments on Four Seasons will be completed AS91095
  • Performance opportunity in week 4 AS91090 and AS91091

Key Dates / Milestones

  • All Internals must be submitted and completed.
  • Externals AS91093 and AS91094

What standards can I enter?

In Music at Level 1 all the standards are available.  It is expected that you will complete the external assessments along with most internal assessments.

Summary of standards:
NCEA Level: Standard Number: Name of standard: Version Number: Credits: Assessment:


Perform two pieces of contrasting music as a featured soloist


Demonstrate ensemble skills through performing a piece of music as a member of a group


Compose two original pieces of music


Demonstrate aural and theoretical skills through transcription


Demonstrate knowledge of conventions used in music scores

(Literacy Credits)



Demonstrate knowledge of two music works from contrasting contexts

(Literacy Credits)


Total available credits: 30
You are expected to complete all standards apart from 1.2 group performance.


You are expected to complete assessments within a given time frame.  When a deadline is set between yourself and the teacher you are expected to hand your completed work on time.  The table below outlines the Assessment schedule for 2011.

Term Assessment Credits
1 91090 Perform two pieces of music as a featured soloist. 6
91092 Compose two original pieces - one will be completed by the end of term 1 (6)
2 91095 Demonstrate knowledge of two music works from contrasting contexts - first two assessments on Take Five completed by week 5, second assessments on Four Seasons completed by Term 3 week 7.
3 91092 Compose two original pieces - second composition completed by week 9 6
91091 Demonstrate ensemble skills- performed by week 9

91090 Perform two pieces of music as a featured soloist.

(2nd opportunity performed by week 9)

4 91093 Demonstrate aural and theoretical skills - EXTERNAL 4
91094 Demonstrate knowledge of conventions used in music scores - EXTERNAL 4

Reassessments are available for; Solo and Group Performances and Composition. These can be resubmitted/performed during Term 4.

Please check the actual date of the assessment on the ASHS Assessment Calendar

Vocational Pathways provide a framework for students to show how their learning and achievement is valued in the workplace by aligning learning to the skills needed for industry.  Follow this link to see the profile for this course.

Frequently asked questions:

Do I have to play an instrument to complete Level 1?

I would recommend that you continue or start to have lessons throughout the year on your chosen instrument.  Learning an instrument helps you with your aural, notation and composition skills as well as giving you a life long skill.

Do I have to take Instrumental examinations?

No, you are not required to take external music exams however the music from those exams does create a nice programme for your Solo performance and the aural skills you learn are very similar to those in the Aural paper 1.4. (around Grade III standard in both aural and practical.)

Can I write my compositions on any programme?

Yes and no, you have to present your composition work as both an audio and notated portfolio.  You can write the music in any style you want but you do get assessed on the presentation of your score as well as the sound.Here is a link to our facebook page so you can see what Music looks like at ASHS