A Skype Chat

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A Skype chat between Randy Fisher, Canada and Anil Prasad, India

Randy Fisher: hi anil!

Anil Prasad: Hi Randy how are u?

Randy Fisher: I'm fine ... very good...I'm pleased to see your interest and activity in WikiEducator! ...and WikiGovernance...

Anil Prasad: Thank you.

Randy Fisher: we are living in exciting times....did you see the announcement with the wikimedia foundation? … that ability to make collections of materials, and put them into pdf? …there are some bugs, but still it's quite an announcement...

Anil Prasad: sorry, I didn't see. Would u give the url, please..

Randy Fisher: http://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Wikis_Go_Printable Beyond this news, I'd like to talk to you about several things COLLaGE… WikiGovernance… WikiEducator India page…Your interests ...not in this order, of course...let's start with your interests!

Anil Prasad: I think you have given the right priority, like a fiend knows me for long

Randy Fisher: ok, thanks...

Anil Prasad: Governance is my all time favourite subject. I think Good Governance is the real basis for all other development and welfare initiatives to thrive in a desired way.

Randy Fisher: I agree - and I too am learning about the importance of Good Enough Governance - it doesn't have to be perfect, but just give people an opportunity to get set in the right direction...

Anil Prasad: You are right. Best practices required to be shared for the well being of the people all over the world.

Randy Fisher: What we want to do at COL, in conjunction with WikiEducator, is to develop free educational materials. Unlike some other programmes at COL - my other project Commonwealth Executive MBA programmes - www.col.org/cemba - the institution has to pay, and the students pay the institution, the Education Specialist, Tanyss Munro, wants all materials in governance to be free… http://www.col.org/colweb/site/pid/4452 . So, WikiGovernance is a project node on WikiEducator and COLLaGE (Commonwealth of Learning Leadership and Governance and Empowerment community) is the community that we will use online, to discuss issues of governance...leadership and empowerment....Through COLLaGE we want to get a dialogue going between individuals and NGOs, NGOs and NGOs of these issues....this will be distilled into what are the appropriate topics for NGOs in terms of developing governance educational materials, on WikiEducator...

Anil Prasad: It will be very much effective

Randy Fisher says: I've been watching your participation / contribution on the wiki and I'm impressed....I'd like to see a cluster of people with you, working together... "a cluster of interest"!

Anil Prasad: We will make it happen!

Randy Fisher: Do you know of some other folks who might be interested in what we are trying to do?

Anil Prasad: Yes I will be introducing some people I know better shortly.

'Randy Fisher: OK, that's great - It will be important for them to join the conversation on COLLaGE - we are setting up the blog likely this weekend...in the meantime, you can add their names to...http://www.wikieducator.org/WikiGovernance/COLLaGE. Please add your name if you are interested in our community...

Anil Prasad: ok Most often people recklessly spend resources and time in reinventing the wheel again and again without looking for what is already available. Communities like wikieducator can help in this.

Randy Fisher: Yes, I COMPLETELY AGREE!

Anil Prasad: Thank you

Randy Fisher: Now, it is important that when we - you have activities - such as speaking to others, and getting them to join up, or connect with WikiGovernance, that you post this information somewhere.... see what I'm doing with the WikiEducator Canada page? - http://www.wikieducator.org/Canada. If we only wait for project information, it doesn't appear to the newcomer that there's a ton of stuff happening in the wiki (i.e.., why should I join)....however, there is a lot happening behind the scenes...That's why I am choosing to keep the Canada page current, with various activities that show what we are up to....could you do the same for the WikiEducator India page....Sometimes, we have Activities that are not yet "News", but they are still very important to be identified....

Anil Prasad: I have just seen the page. Surely, I will replicate the best practice set by you.

Randy Fisher: That's great....I will also reference our conversation on the Canada page... now, I know that I'm asking a lot here...but can you put up a bit more biographical info about yourself on your User Page...? Photo is nice too... if you need some help, I can help you...

Anil Prasad: Surely Randy, I will be doing it today itself.

Randy Fisher: OK, that is great.... part of my role with WikiEd, WikiG, is to facilitate and support....I want to make sure that you get the visibility and recognition for your efforts....but it's hard to receive it, when people don't know much about you!

Anil Prasad: I got it. More over we have to provide such details to build up a community based on trust and respect.

Randy Fisher: I agree...initially this comes when we 'connect' with people we know, and who value us, and our reputation... our friends....and it also comes over time, with people we don't know...is that your experience?

Anil Prasad: Exactly right

Randy Fisher: OK, we are on the same page! Are you aware of NGOs in India - I am sure there are many, who would benefit from the COLLaGE Community dialogues....

Anil Prasad: We can connect them. I am an active participant in the online community of UNDP, where I see a lot of friends from NGOs

Randy Fisher: OK, that's great - you raise a very important point....people are connected through other organizations....COLLaGE is about bridging the gap between them....and WikiEducator ... bridging the digital divide!

Anil Prasad: Yes, we are in the right path!

Randy Fisher: what is the link to UNDP online?

Anil Prasad: http://solutionexchange-un.net.in/index.htm

Randy Fisher: very good....are there other communities that we should be aware of...?

Anil Prasad: development gate way of UN (dgcommunities) http://topics.developmentgateway.org/

Randy Fisher: OK, I will also add this link... to the COLLaGE community page...are they fairly active?

Anil Prasad: surely.

Randy Fisher: OK, I will add the link to the COLLaGE page...see, I put "Activities" on COLLaGE, and there YOU are! - http://www.wikieducator.org/WikiGovernance/COLLaGE

Anil Prasad: That is nice

Randy Fisher: OK, we've talked for about 45 min....let's keep our heads up, and see what we can co-create! I'm going to take some of our conversation, with your permission, and use the content to post to our FAQ page...

Anil Prasad: always welcome. I will also add our conversation in WikiEducator India page, with your permission.

Randy Fisher: Yes, you may certainly do that! When you refer some folks to COLLaGE, or do some things... please update the page...so I can know what you're up to, and can offer support, introductions, referrals, etc.

Anil Prasad: I will be doing it

Randy Fisher: I'll check the page!

Anil Prasad: ok, bye for the time being

Randy Fisher: ok, bye...have a great day! thanks for your great work and support!

Anil Prasad: Thank you for your kind words. Bye take care

Randy Fisher: bye