3) Early Intervention

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I have just been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. I have been on a medication treatment plan for several months and am staying well. But, I am wondering what else can be done to prevent another episode? My family is also wondering how they can help?

This is a great question. There has been a lot of interest in alternative ways that [[1]] people living with bipolar and their families can learn to limited episodes of illness and stay well. Early intervention strategies such as teaching people and their families to identify early warning signs associated with bipolar disorder sympoms is an area of growing interest. Research shows that if people and their families are able to recognize manic and depressive symptoms in the early stages, there are lower rates of reoccurance and hospitalization (Perry, et all, 1999).

Early intervention strategies are methods that are commonly used in other areas of medicine. It allows people to be active participants in their treatment plan and learn methods to self-manage their illness that may supplement prescribed medication. For families, it also allows them to be actively involved in supporting their family member.

It is important you find a docotor you feel comfortable talking with. As well, it might be helpful to have a family member attend some of your appointments so they can also develop ways to support you.

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