10 Steps

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10 Steps to Wiki Collaboration

  1. Seed the conversation. Discuss / share a problem (or project idea) with your friend or colleague - have them write it up and send it to you via email, or go to Step 2 below.
  2. Record the conversation. Write it up on WikiEducator - save the page, etc. = Be sure to create the page with the Template:Demo_example_nav template
  3. Send the conversation. Send the page link to your friend via email
  4. Contact your friend (by phone, Skype or even in person)
  5. Ask Your friend to click on the page link - the WE page will now open
  6. Now, both of you can discuss the problem (i.e., content info on the page) while looking at it (i.e., collaborating)
  7. Your friend will give you input / feedback about what you originally wrote (Step 1)
  8. You will take this feedback, and directly edit the page - and save it (i.e., the wiki-way)
  9. Ask your friend to refresh his/her screen (this is a bit different in different browsers, or they can click the first tab at the top of the screen - the "page" button)
  10. Ask your friend what s/he sees - the COOL / WOW experience!

Next Steps

  1. Gently, gently ask them if they would be interested in being able to "do" - what you've just done....for themselves...
  2. Wait...wait.. listen for his / her answer....
  3. Ask them why....
  4. Then explain that there is a Very Simple way to edit their own content ~ and you would be glad to show them how....
  5. Schedule another time to talk / do the demo (you may want to send them one or two links ahead of time - like to register a WikiEducator Account)

In future

  • show them the showcase of User Pages (from Expo) - thanks Nellie!
  • Point to the links in the template bar above....