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A meeting of ZEST,the subject society of English, for electing the Office-bearers for the academic year 2021-2022 was held onlinevia google meet at 11AM on the 30th of July2021. Fifteen students contested for various positions – thePresident,the Secretary,the Vice-President and the Treasurer. The meeting began withaddresses by Dr.Rohith P, Dr.PrameshRatnakar, Dr.Anubha Mukherjee, Dr.JayiniAdhyapak, Dr.Lalit Kumar and Mr.Ranbeer Kumar.They emphasized on the responsibilities of the Zest Office Bearers, the need to maintain the Zest tradition and alsomentioned the issue of cyberbullying. The name of each candidate was then announced after which the contestant introduced herself/himselfand spoke on her/hisvisions on how to make Zest better. To make the voting confidential as well as fair, a Google form was created whose link was shared with the 2nd and 3rd years. Students were required to fill the form before 12:45 pm on the same day. After the commencement of the voting process, some of the teachers commented on the contestants’ speeches. While the counting was underway,a poem was recited by one of the students. The results were announced by the presentation of the proportion of votes received by each candidate using barcharts.The results were as follows-

President- Sneha R, Fifth semester

Secretary- Richa Sharma, Fifth semester

Vice President- Nandana P R, Third semester

Treasurer- Sheena, Third semester