Year Five Plan

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Year 5 children are fast becoming the experts. Most classrooms will have approximately 5-6 experts and superb troubleshooters. They key is to keep these children motivated while the rest of the class are continuing to develop their skills.


The above plan begins with a Keynote Presentation which the children can present upon completion to their buddy class. This can be used as a mini coaching session for the younger student. The older student can point out the basic points of creating a Keynote Presentation. If time/computer numbers allow they could create a buddy presentation.




Using the model from the book 'Integrating ICT into the Classroom'(Green, 2008) students are to create a claymation or legomation movie. An extremely good website which takes you through the stages from start to finish is Claymation Thinkquest This thinkquest would be one of the most informative sites for step by step classroom use I have seen for a long time.

There will be a certain amount of downtime while students are sharing cameras and computers so a great activity to run alongside is using comic life to create a comic book for their buddy class and own class wall display. An example of a completed Comic Life strip which can be adapted to fit The Pinehill Way is to click on Arthur.






There are a lot of rubrics available for this year level. It may seem like too much. It can be a good idea just to print them off then enlarge them for the students to refer to.

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