VirtualMV/Digital Learning Technologies/Overview/Teaching

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In order to provide and develop learning resources, a delivery strategy needs to be considered. For example, the strategy to remember a set of facts could be very different than that required to remember a set of steps to assemble a physical object.


Pedagogy (or you may read andragogy - if adults are involved) is the way the learning is delivered, that is, The way the information/knowledge/skill is taught. The term generally refers to strategies of instruction, or a style of instruction. I guess this could also include whether the content is delivered with passion or in a pedestrian (boring?) way.

The following are examples pedagogical approaches

  • Case-based learning
  • Inquiry-based learning
  • Project-based learning
  • Resource based learning
  • Game-based learning
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Assessed Activity 2.1 (2016) Pedagogies

(2017: From ;2016: Select four from) the following pedagogical approaches: Case-based learning, Inquiry-based learning, Project-based learning, Resource based learning, and Game-based learning, and in your blog

  1. Describe one example from your past, and describe its effectiveness (either positive or negative), and
  2. Describe how eLearning would be integrated (e.g. resource based - using PowerPoints)

(No references)

  • Source: Teaching

In the 2010 DEANZ Conference, in Wellington, New Zealand, Terry Anderson from Athabasca University, Canada, described three generations of distance education pedagogy.

  • Behaviourist/cognitive, constructivist and connectivist. (Anderson, 2010)[1], where: behaviourist/cognitive includes, self paced and individual study;
  • constructivist, working in groups; and
  • connectivist, using networks and collectives.

For a blended environment, behaviourist includes instructivist, where content is “taught” to students, as in a lecture. In a blended environment, multiple strategies are used to engage students, with different pedagogies suiting different situations.

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: Pedagogies

In you blog list the four pedagogys identified (Instructivist, Behaviourist/cognitive, constructivist and connectivist), and for each

  1. Describe one example from your past, and describe its effectiveness (either positive or negative), and
  2. Describe how eLearning would be integrated (e.g. For instructivist - using PowerPoints)

(No references)

  • Source: Teaching


  • One-on-one
    • Starts with Parents as teachers
  • One to many (traditional)
  • Small private online classes (SPOC)
    • “hybrid” or “blended learning”
    • Coined 2013 by UC–Berkeley professor Armando Fox
    • "The basic idea is to use MOOC-style video lectures and other online features as course materials in actual, normal-size college classes. By assigning the lectures as homework, the instructors are free to spend the actual class period answering students’ questions, gauging what they have and haven’t absorbed, and then working with them on projects and assignments. In some cases the instructors also use some MOOC-style online assessments or even automated grading features. But in general they’re free to tailor the curriculum, pace, and grading system to their own liking and their own students’ needs."(Oremus, 2013, September 18)[2]

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: Teaching techniques

View the web video The 100,000-student classroom. Identify the different pedagogies mentioned (and who Peter cites) and make a comment, for example Bloom : 1-on-1 tutoring works best; Flipped classroom, Peer instruction, class not about information. Make a list of other issues he raises that could be helpful in your teaching (e.g. length of recorded video, frequency of activities)

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  1. Anderson, T. (2010) Three Generations of Distance Education Pedagogy [PowerPoint]. Retrieved May 2, 2010 from
  2. Oremus, W. (2013, September 18). Forget MOOCs. Slate. Retrieved from
  3. Carsen, S. & Schmidt, J. P., (2012)The Massive Open Online Professor. Retrieved from
  4. Norvig, Peter (2012): The 100,000-student classroom, in TED talks. Retrieved from

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VirtualMV/Digital Learning Technologies/Overview/Teaching. (2025). In WikiEducator/VirtualMV wiki. Retrieved January 28, 2025, from http:    (zotero)