Using fiction writing to develop empathy/Course description

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This course is designed to help creative writing students understand how the concept of empathy impacts Literary Fiction and begin to use techniques to engage empathy in their own writing.

Course Metrics

  • Reading 10 - 15 short works of Literary Fiction
  • Creating two to three short stories, 2000 words
  • Commenting on fellow students' work through peer review

What's it About?

Reading Literary Fiction to understand how the concept of empathy impacts an audience's understanding of the psychological landscape in famous works of literature, then transferring those techniques into specific creative writing assignments.

Learning Objectives

  • Define empathy in its relation to Literary Fiction
  • Distinguish between Literary Fiction and Commercial Fiction
  • Incorporate techniques designed to generate empathy in original short fiction
  • Reflect on the process of writing/reading published and student fiction

What's Involved?

Students will interact with one another by reading works of fiction and each others' work in a digital workshop.

What Prerequisites Should I Have?

Students should be proficient in writing and reading. Recommend completion of entry level composition and literature courses offered by your institution.