CIS89A Voyager FTP

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Voyager is DeAnza’s server for hosting student files including pages for web access. Each page file must be save to the special public_html directory so it will have a unique web address. This done with File Transfer Protocol (FTP).

short version

Use FileZilla to connect to Voyager (SFTP).

  • Enter the address s into the host field of the Quickconnect bar. Leave port number field blank.
  • Enter your CIS account username and password in the corresponding fields.
  • Click on Quickconnect or press Enter to connect to the server.

The Filezilla window will be split into two. The left is your computer, the right is your directory in the DeAnza Voyager server. Navigate it like you normally would in your normal computer.

  • Once connected, use FileZilla to copy your website to the public_html directory on

The web address for your files on Voyager will be
  • ~username is a shortcut to your public_html directory in your Voyager user directory. username is always all lowercase
  • filename.html - name of the file uploaded
  • to access your web page files stored on Voyager - just http:// (not https://)

made with Glitch, downloaded and transferred to Voyager with FileZilla * include style.css file (relative link)

Transferring Files to Voyager

Technically, an FTP (File Transfer Protocol) application is pretty simple – log in, display directory contents, move files from here to there,… Any of the ones that are free and appear in multiple “best” lists will do the job.

When you have Filezilla downloaded, installed and ready to go, log in.

  • Voyager is an SFTP server. To connect Voyager, enter the address
    s into the host field of the Quickconnect bar. Leave port number field blank.
  • Enter your username and password for your Voyager account in the corresponding fields.
  • Click on Quickconnect or press Enter to connect to the server.

The Filezilla window will be split into two. The left is your computer, the right is your directory in the DeAnza Voyager server. Navigate it like you normally would in your normal computer.

Save an HTML file on your computer

  • On your own computer, save a copy of an html file or create and save one to use for this activity.
  • If you are copying the code from a Glitch assignment and you are using the style.css for external style formats, make a copy of the style.css file too.
  • Make a note of where this file is located - folder, directory, exact file name. The file name must end in .html or .htm

To transfer (copy) this file to Voyager:

  1. run Filezilla host : s and username and password are the same as your Voyager account.
    You should see two panels with lists of files and directories. The one on the left (My system) shows everything on your computer. The list on the right (Remote) shows everything in your Voyager account.
  2. in the left panel, locate the html file that you are going to copy to Voyager.
  3. drag and drop that html file from my system (left panel) to remote site (right panel) under public_html
  4. optional - if you have a .css file with external style information, copy that to Voyager as well. Check the link to the .css file in your .html file to ensure that the link still works. Update the link if necessary.

NOTE: Make sure the File protocol is "SFTP" otherwise you will not be able to connect to the server. Specify s as the Host.

public_html directory

When you are logged in to your Voyager account, there are a number of directories, including public_html. You need to transfer your web page files to this directory for them to be viewed from a web browser.

  • If you upload a file named voyagertest.html to your public_html directory, you would have to specify the entire url including the complete file name.

  • Use your Voyager account name to replace “username” in the example. You need the “~” (tilde) character ahead of your username.

Note : ~username is a shortcut. Voyager knows to interpret that as the actual URL path through the Voyager directory structure to your public_html directory. Specifically ~username is a shortcut for /home/student/username/public_html

For more general information about web addresses, see the URL tutorial.

To Voyager and beyond

Do you have your Voyager account set up? Even if you have had a Voyager account in the past, you may need to go through the procedure to create a Voyager account. You will need your Voyager account username and password to proceed.

Getting ready to transfer your HTML files to Voyager - You need to have FTP - File Transfer Protocol program or app installed on your computer.

PC Computer If you have a PC you can follow the instructions provided by ATC. You will need to download and install a program called Putty to access the Voyager server. This .pdf document outlines the steps for using Putty and transferring files to Voyager.

WinSCP is a good choice for Windows. Once you have it downloaded and ready to go, you log in under host name of

Mac or PC You can use any ftp application or web page development tool that provides file transfer.

NOTE: Make sure the File protocol is "SFTP" otherwise you will not be able to connect to the server.

FileZilla is open source software distributed free of charge under the terms of the GNU General Public License. Click on Download FileZilla CLIENT

  • You will automatically go to the page with the right version for your computer. Download and install the FileZilla program. Documentation, tutorials, are available

THEN You will need your Voyager account username and password to log into your Voyager account.

  • launch your FTP program (FileZilla for example) - you should see your computer's files listed on the left
  • connect to Voyager - your ftp application will ask for your username and password, which should be the username and password you use for your DeAnza CIS lab account. Once you’re in, the window will be split into two. The left is your computer, the right is your directory in the De Anza Voyager server. Navigate it like you normally would in your normal computer.

For the url address, you don’t need to mention the public_html part. All you have to do is replace username, with yours, and voyagertest.html with whatever you called your own test page.

If all else fails, go to the DeAnza ATC lab and ask for help. This is hard to troubleshoot remotely.

I am sooo glad that Glitch came along so that we can get some coding success before having to work with Voyager.

  • Each student must create their own Voyager account. A web-accessible directory is automatically created for you when your Voyager account is created.
  • The usual way to move a file from your computer to Voyager is by using a program designed for the purpose. You need to be able log into your Voyager account and transfer the file by placing a copy of the file in your directory on the Voyager server. Use FileZilla (described here) or DeAnza Putty.
  • NOTE: Make sure the File protocol is "SFTP" otherwise you will not be able to connect to the server.

2018.5 2297 . 2019.3 3445 .