User:Vtaylor/Technology plan/Planning process notes

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what problem are you trying to solve? for who? why is this the right problem? functional needs, technical needs, priorities, existing conditions, resources - time, people, money. development, implementation, documentation, training, support, evaluation, revision

four-step strategic thinking process * 1. clearly define your problem or challenge * 2. develop potential ideas to solve it * 3. evaluate them * 4. put the winning ideas into action

resources, processes, risks, partners and suppliers and the ecosystem

Questions, issues

  • technology tools and equipment, processes, skills. time. people. space. information
  • student management, tracking ?? driving technology, framework
  • unique student ids - 4 characters, B = 2012, 3 random numbers + uppercase - using online web services - protect student identity
  • administration imposed requirements, restrictions
  • permissions, student information - in multiple places, formats, access
  • library - web based free application ? permissions, information, ? use student identifier like Creekside
  • what if - parents don't give permission - Edmodo

strategic thinking, portfolio management and metrics - necessity of failure, inherent risks, reality of learning, research - gaps, unknowns, emerging technologies, societal change, values, new opportunities for innovation, new questions, insight - process of examination and development > development, the process of design, engineering, prototyping and testing that results in a finished product, service or business design. preparation of users / customers to understand and choose this innovation and leads to rapid growth.

resources, processes, risks, partners and suppliers and the ecosystem


  • strategic objectives for technology - administration, academic
  • SWOT analysis - Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats - what can impact efforts
  • goals, objectives, strategies, timeline
  • implementation - process, responsibility, performance, reporting, improvement
  • evaluation methods, measures of success
  • action plan - specific steps, dollars, specifications, quantities, plan of work - acquire / install, training, support
  • funding plan - technology inventory, available resources, funding - current, additional

other information

  • impact on facilities master plan
  • stakeholders - interests, input, information dissemination

Goals and objectives - WHAT, evaluation

what are we trying to teach - content

  • student-centered
  • communication
  • technology fully integrated into teaching and learning
  • improve student outcomes - engagement, personalization
  • administration, faculty, students use technology appropriately
  • learning transformation - not previously imagined or possible
  • technology support for teaching and learning - personalization, effective use of resources
  • teacher as a facilitator - the more students control how and what they learn, the more they will want to learn ?? achieve educational goals


  • Strengths - leadership, technology expertise, abundant, students, community partnership technology, faculty
  • Weaknesses - insufficient organization / prioritization, insufficient technology support staff, funding / resources, district parameters, insufficient communication
  • Opportunities
  • Threats

Action Plan - HOW - strategies

specific activities, implementation, evaluation, timeline

details - dollars, specifications, quantities, plan of work - necessary to accomplish the strategic plan

  • communication
  • student-centered
  • promote proficiency in basic skills
  • provide opportunities for individualized learning
  • encourage personal and academic growth
  • assessment / feedback -

  • teacher training, support - comprehensive technology-centered staff development program ?? time, interest, requirement
  • school-wide themes, shared lesson plans, resources
  • after-school enrichment multimedia programs


  • Writing to Write
  • Writing to Read


  • personal/professional learning
  • peer communication, sharing, planning
  • newsletters. Web pages list assignments, homework

?? community programs, parents - teach / distribute technology for home use, technology show-n-tell / showcase student work

Specific technologies

  • EdLine - classroom management, grades, communication with family
  • Edmodo - assignments, quizzes, communication, resources
  • BrainPop - instructional diversification
  • BookSource - library management, track student reading, book preferences
  • emerging technologies - find and implement

?? modify, substitute, redefine, transform

  • network, storage, access
  • smartboards
  • BYOT, pocket school, sharable mobile
  • resources - recommended sources - lesson plans, activities, movies, animations
  • applications - science,

?? hardware - in-class, software install, upgrade, security, repair, support

  • framework - permissions, rewards, incentives
  • innovation center - technology, planning, resources, peer coaching, training
  • electronic playground
  • technology-intensive program for at-risk learners
  • apply for grants
  • development of technology-talented students

  • mini workshops to provide training in the methodology necessary for development of literature demonstration videos
  • teaching, learning, pedagogy
  • curriculum reviewed, modified and expanded to maximize effectiveness in meeting student, faculty and staff needs - technology com
  • summer programs
  • emerging technologies
  • support, training - teachers, students, technology

?? faculty > advanced degree ? Masters

  • Technology Resources Peers Program - reviewed, expanded, showcased as model program for providing peer modeling and technology support
  • community volunteers - assist/support/train teachers, students
  • parent involvement, communication, updates, training
  • students as aides
  • leadership - implementation, strategic plan within school plan

assessment, evaluation, tracking

  • annual review
  • systematic - incentive, helpful to teacher, easy to record, capture
  • technology competence - requirements, gap training
  • record, document
  • review, revise, re-assess needs

Technology evaluation

  • curriculum - standard, class, teacher, grade level
  • lesson / activity - time, preparation
  • technology - resources, apps, devices, training, support
  • assessment - student learning outcomes, effectiveness
  • evaluation - success of technology integration
  • comments, feedback, suggestions for revisions

?? rubrics, forms