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~~~ Personal Introduction ~~~

Contact-new.svg Jesus S.
Employer:DeAnza College
Occupation:CIS-2 Student
Flag of USA.svg USA
Languages:English, Spanish
Flag of USA.svg USA

I am an accounting major at DeAnza and this is hopefully my last quarter for my degree. I still need other classes for an AS-T in Business Administration, but that will come later. I am interested in RPG/Strategy games for PC usually older generation games since I do not have a powerful gaming PC.

~~~ Anywhere is Possible ~~~

~~ LabArt - Humanoid Robot Teleoperation System ~~

~Description ~

Mazvydas Mark Narvidas demonstrates how currently available technologies from different fields can be combined to create a new way to communicate and solve problems. In his project, he uses an Oculus Rift, a Nao Humanoid Robot, Microsoft Kinect sensors, LabView Software, NI myRIO, and the Python programming language with these tools he is able to observe the world through the Nao robot's eyes (cameras) and then move and have the robot recreate his movement.

~Inplication ~

What this project demonstrates is that there is another opportunity to advance multiple fields by creating a market for these non-autonomous robots. While innovators in other fields such as AI (Artifical Intelligence), VR (Virtual/Augmented Reality), and Robotics are working independently to create and advance their technologies for widespread commercial use, in my opinion, they are still a long way away from that becoming a reality. But, if we create robots that can be remotely operated (TeleOperated) we can solve problems we have today in fields such as, emergency responders (firefighters, police, search & rescue), academics (remote distance teaching), hazardous industrial and commercial operations (oil rigs, construction, logging, mining), the list goes on. Like I said before the development of this technology would directly benefit the other fields by providing data for AI and increased demand for improvements in VR and Robotic technologies.

~~ VR-controlled Robots could Save America ~~


Philip Rosedale founder of virtual world Second Life discusses how virtual reality and TeleOperation could save America by fostering innovation and manufacturing robots for use with VR. Philip's key point is that the expansion of teleoperation would mean that workers are freed from having to physically commute to work and could instead telecommute by teleoperating a robot and how the teleoperation of a robot could have a profound effect on how we structure and view our work day. The only limitations to the distance that someone could teleoperate a robot would have to do with signal latency (lag) between the robot and the user.

~Inplication ~

What all this means is, that people who are not physically near a high volume work center (cities) could still participate in the cities economy to earn wages that they could use to boost their local economies. Teleoperating could also have a direct impact on cities by reducing the volume of traffic on its roads since workers would no longer have to commute to work. It would also replace the suburbs that exist outside of these cities with more free-floating suburbs since people would be able to live where they pleased because they are not limited by the availability of work.

~~ Teleoperating robots with virtual reality: Making it easier for factory workers to telecommute ~~


This article, from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, CSAIL, presents us with basic information on how VR technology was developed in the past and how they have improved the technology for use in robotic teleoperation, they also discuss how they solved the Latency (lag) problem, that I mentioned in my other source. In order to solve the latency issues, the researchers at CSAIL created a virtual room where the user can view what is happening at the robot's location and then interact with a virtual recreation of that information.

~Inplication ~

The research being done at CSAIL is already demonstrating improved performance in VR teleoperated robots over previous methods that were used in the past and continued research will only yield better results. It makes a statement that VR games are quicker to adapt and become accustomed to the new technology which would mean they could be among the first teleoperator workers. What this conjures up in my mind is a new work environment where work tasks would become more game like with features such as high scores and mission style tasks similar to EVE Online.

Individual Final Project

Module 1: Introductions - Overall Impact of Computers on Society

  1. Topic: Online Community Service
    • Sourced From: I searched for and posted the link to the discussion topic.
    • Description: I chose the site I posted because I still believe it has a great introduction to what online community service is and how it works. It also contains a list, with descriptions, of many different websites where you can begin doing online community service work.
    • BEST
  2. Topic: Selected Media - Society
    • Sourced From: Discussion post that was made by Xia Zhang.
    • Description: The site covers a wide range of topics of how societies view and use technology. I especially like the infographics they used and that you have the ability to view the raw data they collected.

Module 2: Privacy and Freedom of Speech

  1. Topic: Privacy and Personal Information
    • Sourced From: Discussion post that was made by Vihn Vu.
    • Description: This article covers what privacy means in a digital age that includes wearable technologies that can record information without being noticeable. It really made me think of what the future might be like and how difficult it will be to create laws that protect without creating too many restrictions.
    • BEST
  2. Topic: Learning Literacies - Protect It
    • Sourced From: Discussion post that was made by Xia Zhang.
    • Description: As more and more consumer business transactions are conducted over the internet the need to protect yourself online from becoming a victim of cybercrime is becoming ever more pressing. This article is definitely a good resource into 14 basics tips of how you can protect yourself online and what to do if you've become a victim of cybercrime.

Module 3: Intellectual Property

  1. Topic: Art and Computers
    • Sourced From: A new search I did during the I Wonder Revisited in week ten.
    • Description: I like this article because it detailed how people have been using computers to generate and create artwork long before AI researchers began to pursue the idea.
    • BEST
  2. Topic: Internet Predictions Database
    • Sourced From: Discussion post that was made by Vanessa Chow.
    • Description: I found this topic interesting because it made me imagine how this online class could be different in the future. One of the biggest changes that would have to occur is that you need to have access to a VR headset in order to complete the course.

Module 4: Crime

  1. Topic: Risks-Forum
    • Sourced From: I searched for and posted this link in the discussion.
    • Description: The article made me think of what happens when one technology company dominates a sector and the widespread effects it could have on many people's lives if it were ever compromised.
  2. Topic: Computers and Crime
    • Sourced From: Discussion post that was made by Vinh Vu.
    • Description: This source helps to highlight the vulnerability of the big data networks and how difficult it is to keep data secure the larger a business gets since you begin to attract the attention of hackers.
    • BEST

Module 5: Employment, Education, and Entertainment

  1. Topic: Assistive Technology
    • Sourced From: I searched for the topic and posted it to the discussion.
    • Description: I like this site because it contains a wide range of information on the topic of assistive technology. It opened my eye to the many different forms of technology that are available, ranging from low-tech (felt-boards) to high-tech (special-purpose computers).
    • BEST
  2. Topic: Employment, Education, and Entertainment Keywords
    • Sourced From: I searched for the topic and posted it to the discussion.
    • Description: I liked that this site was made to provide information and assist schools in selecting the correct technology for their schools and classrooms. It also made me think of how difficult it must be for school administrators to integrate advancements in technology with the classroom without breaking their budget.

Module 6: Grand Challenges

  1. Topic: Anywhere is Possible #1
    • Sourced From: I searched for the topic and posted it to the discussion.
    • Description: This site helps to demonstrate that with the available consumer technology we have today we can build and teleoperate a robot. Once more time and effort is placed into the research for this field the possibility of teleoperating to work is not that far off.
    • BEST
  2. Topic: Anywhere is Possible #2
    • Sourced From: I searched for the topic and posted it to the discussion.
    • Description: This site helped me imagine what a world with teleoperated robots would be like and what possibilities they could open up for societies all around the world.
  3. Topic: Anywhere is Possible #3
    • Sourced From: I searched for the topic and posted it to the discussion.
    • Description: I liked this site because the video helped demonstrate how VR technology could be used to put us inside the robot's mind when we are controlling them. It does cause me some concern about how a person's physical body will be maintained if they are not physically active while working.

Module 7: Evaluating and Controlling Technology

  1. Topic: Great Technology
    • Sourced From: I searched for the topic and posted it to the discussion.
    • Description: With a basic understanding of coding, I have used Microsoft Visual Studio Community to create programs for my sibling's businesses that have helped to improve the way they do business. If this was not available then the world would miss out on the many creative solutions that people can create to solve problems that are unique to them. It also helps someone understand how the programs they use every day are constructed and developed over time.
    • BEST
  2. Topic: Evaluating and Controlling Technology Keywords
    • Sourced From: I searched for the topic and posted it to the discussion.
    • Description: This site made me reanalyze the way I view social media, which tended to be negatively because of the narcissistic nature of its users and the inherently builtin addictive quality. When I read that a lot of social media users use it to find medical information and to connect with people who were experiencing similar medical situations, it changed the way I viewed social media.

Module 8: Risks, Failures, and Responsibilities

  1. Topic: Medicine and Computers
    • Sourced From: I searched for the topic and posted it to the discussion.
    • Description: I found this topic fascinating because of how it could revolutionize the way we receive healthcare. It gave me hope that one day it could greatly improve the lives and health of people living in rural and underserved urban communities all around the world.
    • BEST
  2. Topic: Learn to Code
    • Sourced From: I searched for the topic and posted it to the discussion.
    • Description: I enjoyed playing this game because it made me think of how easy it is now to learn basic computer code skills. While I do not believe that everyone needs to be an expert coders it does not mean that we should not have a basic understanding of how to code, especially when we consider the fact that computer technology continues to seep deeper into every facet of our lives.

Module 9: Anytime, Anywhere

  1. Topic: Smartphones
    • Sourced From: I searched for the topic and posted it to the discussion.
    • Description: Taking the idea of ApplePay and Samsung Pay to a whole new level from the start, the African Nation of Kenya did just that with M-Pesa. The idea helps to proves how much these so-called third world nations have to contribute to their communities and the world and how great ideas are not limited to only wealthy nations.
    • BEST
  2. Topic: Social Innovation
    • Sourced From: I searched for the topic and posted it to the discussion.
    • Description: This idea of using AI to represent you in your government was interesting because it would mean being able to participate in government at the individual level without needing to devote all your time. The only thing that concerned me with this is what happens when your AI's create laws that fit your criteria but that affect you in ways you did not expect.

Module 10: Technology, Advances, and Social Trend

  1. Topic: Tech Awards with Social Impact
    • Sourced From: I searched for the topic and posted it to the discussion.
    • Description: I loved the efficiency and the environmental benefits that this project provides for people interested in urban farming. In the past, I have researched various methods of urban farming and I could participate but it never occurred to me to do it in this method.
  2. Topic: What's New and Important
    • Sourced From: I searched for the topic and posted it to the discussion.
    • Description: This Ted talk fascinated me because of the far-reaching implications that their 3D technology could have across a multitude of disciplines. I mean what is not to like about having the ability to grow the parts you need from a pool of goo into designs that would otherwise only be possible in a computer program.
    • BEST