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My midterm project was about the access to clean water. I dove into what the world is doing today to make it so that more of the worlds population has access to clean water. There are many projects/inventions that are already put into place to make the world a better place by making drinkable water more accessable!

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Final Project:

1.Introductions: selected media

This video comes from the “society” section from the first chapter. I chose this reference because it was a good introduction to the class. I found that it showed in simple terms the effect of how technology changes our lives. This was a feel good video that really makes you appreciate how far humans have come as a species. It gives a brief, fun glance at how creating technology has helped the human race thrive. -selected media

I found this list to be very accurate. This article is a list of lists that you should keep. When I was in elementary school, one of my teachers told me to keep a list of goals throughout you life. From my experience, if you write down what you need to do, you are much more likely to do it. With taking this information, this article took it to another level. Since reading this article at the beginning of the quarter, I have written down lists for immediate goals, short term goals, and long term goals. This has helped me tremendously. -assignment list

I found this to be super interesting. Before this article, I thought that computers were just recently put into the works and invented. This timeline made me realize that  it has been worked on since the eighteen hundreds. This article got me more interested in the history of the Internet. For example, the Internet that we know today is 8886 days old today. (

2.Privacy and freedoms of speech selected media

I found this article to be very helpful. With the ever growing hacker population, this article shows what they will be looking for. This article helped me secure my computer from hackers because it brought to my attention what they would be looking for. I used this information to clear my cookies, and I rarely use cloud data. From more research, I found that with the ever growing cloud data storage trend, security has dramatically increased in different cloud based storages. According to 86% of companies use extensive cloud based storage systems. selected media

When first going over this section, I breezed past this article because I thought that a lot of this was common sense. But after revisiting the page, it gives great points. After rereading this article, I now have taken the proper precautions to securing my Iphone. This article answered my question of how to keep my smart phone safer from predators. I would just download random apps and hope for the best.If I did not like them, I would just erase them. Now I will look more into the reviews to make sure I want to download the app. selected media

This article is helpful because it shows how to protect your computer from the threats that people face every day. It is surprising to see that many people do not know how to protect there computers. The author even states that his cousin had many virus's for two years and still worked. This is a great example of the level of information that the general public knows.If I did not know how to do so, this article would be a very big help to me. I really enjoy the fact that it gives links to download the proper virus protection.

3. Intellectual property selected media

This article was very interesting because it made me get up and go. This article made me want to know more about the world. This article really caught me off guard because I was just expecting something to do with claiming your own ideas as your own, or something along those lines. "The most interesting people you will ever meet are also the most interested." Mr.Green( The authors fifth grade teacher). selected media

I chose this article because it is a must read for people that are new to using the internet for research for any college paper. This article explains what copyright is, how long copyright stays in place and how we, as students, need to be aware of copyright. For someone who knows very little about copyright, I found this article to be very helpful. This article answered the questions I had about copyright and how it effects me. The question it didn't answer is how much trouble would someone get into when they violate those laws. is a great reference for this information. It states that you can get penalized anywhere from 200 dollars to 150,000 dollars per each work infringed. selected media

I really liked this article because it reminded me of a show I recently watched. this article talks about the topic of misunderstood music copyright laws but goes into copyright laws as a whole. This article talks about parody law and how it can be used. Saturday night live uses this law in most, if not all, its shows. Another show that I recently watched that uses parody law is the show "Nathan for you". He creates his own coffee shop called "Dumb Starbucks". He uses parody law to get on the map and creates "dumb" Starbucks drinks. This goes to show, if you know the laws, you can completely manipulate them to your benefit .

4. Crime selected media

I really enjoyed this article because it gives a great list of many of the computer crimes. It talks about how they are used and how they make a profit. This article also gives ways that you can protect yourself. This is important because this article shows you how to fight the cyber threats. This is something everyone needs to know. Like I have said previously, many of todays internet users do not know the threats that using the internet brings. More importantly,they also do not know how to protect themselves. selected media

This is a list of crimes that happen with having internet access. It also tells you where you should report the crimes to. I like this article because many people have these crimes happen to them and do not know who to report it to or who to get help from. This article also gives a list of intellectual property crimes which we covered in the last section. A major problem with both of these crimes is that many people do not know how to report them. selected media

I actually really enjoyed this article. It talks about how hackers used a virus that was put onto a bankers computer to see how the employees worked. They would wait as long as months before they would hack into the bank. They would take money less then ten dollars so they wouldn't be easily spotted. The hackers could even remotly access Atms and have it shoot the money out of it.

5. Employment, Education and Entertainment selected media

I chose this article because it put a positive spin on how technology has slowly taken some jobs away. Acording to this article there are more jobs created then that were destroyed by the advancement of technology. There has been a 580% increase in teaching and educational support assistance. In my opinion, this is the most important stat in this article because it has helped make our general public much smarter selected media

This list was very helpful to me because it gives great advice on how to make yourself more productive. This list sums up some other articles that I have reviewed before. This article also says to make lists of goals for yourself. It also says to make every goal quantifiable. I found this helpful because it makes goals realistic and achevable. I find when many people make goals they, including myself, make them much to big and it makes it seem almost impossible to complete. Quantifying your goals makes it seem much more achievable. selected media

I enjoyed this article because before taking this class, I have never taken an online class. I always thought that taking online classes was the worse path to take if you could choose between taking classes on site or on a website.This article puts together some of the good things that online learning has to offer. For example, it is convenient ,flexible and it is a cost-effective choice. Before this article, I found that the negatives weigh out the positives. But now, I am more open to taking online classes.

6.Midterm Project-Grand Challenges selected media

This is the social responsibility section of the company Vestergaard which creates a great water purifier called the life straw. To give a little background information, the life straw is a "straw" that you can use to drink unpurified water,i.e. while hiking. Another more effective use of this product is to use it where there is no clean water, like in third world countries. Reading this section of there website made me happy because it shows that not all companies are interested in only making money. This company relizes that they have a very valuable resource and they want to help spread it to help other people in other countries. own research

I chose this article because it is a much more effective way to purifying water then the "Life Straw". This company used the fact that people in third world countries will walk miles to get pure water to there advantage. While on this journy to getting lean water, the jug on wheels purifies the water. I really like this idea because the inventors of this device analyzed peoples daily lives and found a way to make there lives just a little bit easier. This makes me happy because we need to invent more things like how this invention was created to better everyones lives. Having someone analyze peoples daily lives and finding where we need more help is a great way to come up with an invention. own research

I chose this ted talk because of how this man decided he needed to do something. This man was frustrated on the reaction time of the helping forces during the asian tsunami in 2004. So, he created the lifesaver. This is the most cost efficient water purifing device that I have seen to this date. It costs roughly 15 cents a day to run and can last up to four years of functionality. "Many inventions have been created due to frustrations and bad things happening to people." I feel like I have heard this saying many times but I have never had an example of this actually happening. This is the first example I have found that actually does that.

7. Evaluating and Controlling Technology Selected media

I chose this map because in the recent month I have realized that I am addicted to my cell phone. Many people do not realize this because it slowly creeps onto you. This map shows some positives and many negatives that come with over using your cell phone. This shows you that the negatives really outweigh the positive aspects of using your phone. Many people believe that smart phones are the way of the future due to how helpful they are. I would now disagree due to the isolation that has come with using these devices when people are around you. selected media

This video shows people addicted to there mobile devices. It also shows how they are used to compleatly drown out the users surroundings. For example, there is a man not paying attention to his burrito and only looking at his phone. Another time while he is driving, he is also responding to a text. I like this video because it calls attention to how society is obsessed with mobile devices. selected media

I really enjoyed this video, partially due to the formatting. Before watching this video, I had no idea that internet providers were slowing down internet speeds for there competitors such as Netflix. The way that this video was put together lets you see this issue from both sides of the playing field. This video made me understand from an economic standpoint why internet providers would slow internet as they have. It also gives great points to the consumer side, rather then just because I want faster internet.

8.Risks, Failures and Responsibilities

I liked this article because it gives a great standard to "netiquette". Many people online are completely different then they are in real life and this article calls attention to that. For example, back when I was a young gamer, I was very rude to other online gamers because I never experienced being purposefully rude to them. The internet gave me an outlet where I would not have to pay for my actions and just get to see the response of other people, but not face to face. I like this article because it basically says to be the same person on and off the web. Own research

I liked this list because it gives good and concise information. It gives great tips on how to stay safe online as an adult. For someone who has very little knowledge of the internet, this article would be great for them. Some high lights of this article would be to check your online bank statements regularly to make sure that they are what you think they are. I found this to also be suprising because I felt that a majority of the things listed were common sense . But for people that do not know how to protect themselves online, this list is great for you. selected media

I found this article to be very interesting because it is a very current issue. Since the development of social media, facebook and linkedin, employers can use these profiles to judge you even though it is illegal to judge you based on your gender, religious views, age, ext. . Since the advancement of technology is faster then the ability to make laws, there are loop holes in our system only because we cannot create laws fast enough. I like how this article used past events to further illustrate that point.

9.Anytime, Anywhere Own research

I chose this article because it is the most current to me. With the advancements of technology, you can now play video games away from home. This means that anytime, anywhere you can play your favorite playstation game. I like this article/feature because it shows how social trends effect the advancement of technology. If this feature was not asked for, it would never have been created. This article makes me happy because it allows me to bring my gaming system with me anywhere I go. selected media

I liked this video because it showed that with the advancement of technology, we can educate everyone around the world. This is huge because it means that we can advance humanity to a new level of intelligence. Another great fact about using technology to train people is that it will be much quicker to spread the word compared to training individuals to do the same task. It made me smile to see that many other people care about educating the world and are actually doing something about it. selected media

This article talks about how learning should start shifting to mobile devices. Students are always connected to there mobile devices so this author states that we should take advantage of that and use it to teach. It would be great for internet access so the students can learn from not just a teacher, but from the internet as well. I enjoyed this article because it saw a problem, students using smart phones in class, and capitalized on it. The final words of this article states the need to educate our next generation scientests, inventors, engineers and entrepreneurs.

10. Technology Advancements and Social trends selected media

I found this article to be very interesting because of how they portrayed the future. In many cases, the future is suppose to be hopeful. In this case, it is not. This video indicates many negative things that the future holds for us. Things such as how many animals will be dead by 2027 is a negative aspect of the future. Even though I do not find this video accurate, I do find it interesting. This is a perfect example of how the future is still up for debate. Hopefully if any of this video is correct, the social trends will effect the advancement of technology to stop the negative things from happening. selected media

I enjoyed this article because it did not feel as if the world was going to end by 2050. It showed that because of social need, the proper technology advancements will occur. For example, there will be vaccines for many of the illnesses that plague the world today. Also the fact that a smaller percentage of children under five years old will not die is a great satistic. This article made me happy because it shows that the future is hopeful. selected media

This is one example of how social trends have effected technological advancements. This is a new technology that has been created by using hydrogen fuel cells to create electricity. I really like how people are looking into cleaner, more efficient ways to create electricity due to eventual exaustion of fossil fuels. I do wish this article was longer though. It only gives little information about this product. I would be very interested to see more information on this product in the future.