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Contact-new.svg Stephanie Hayes
Employer:Blossom Ridge Medical Group, De Anza
Occupation:Front Desk/IT and student
Flag of USA.svg USA

I am a full time mom, working full time and taking a couple classes at De Anza. I love reading, traveling and watching sports with my son.

1. Introductions

I thought this website, posted by someone else, was one of the best selections because it touched base on so much, of how Computers Impact us today, yesterday and our future. It gave information on the positives as well as made us look into some of the negatives. I thought that this one could generate the most discussion because of how many topics it brought up, from Computers at work, to computers the bank and even computers at school. Since there was so much discussed, gives us so much more to talk about and think about.

In my opinion this was the best website of the 3 that I chose.

I did like this article and what information it gave. It might not be long, but had some great information. There are good topics to start a conversation / discuss on.

I found this site through Computers in Society, under discussions.

This was under the sites that was provided under the assignment, but one that I found exciting and made me start to think, well I need to start doing some of these. I even talked about most of the 10 with my sister, and got her to start some list’s with me, before it’s too late! This one made me smile and want to get a jump on things before I get any older, because really it’s never too late to do some things! J

2. Privacy and Freedom of Speech

I found this under Learning Literacies-Discussions. I find it very helpful to know how and what you should use your phone to make sure your information is protected. It’s even a great conversation starter, like do you do “this” with your phone. Oh you should be doing “that” so that your phone is protected.

I also found this under Learning Literacies-Discussions and found this very informative. I do the same thing, and I know some many others that don’t truly read what they are signing! This makes us aware and think for the next time we are signing something maybe we will actual read it! Sometimes it’s about making others aware of what they are doing, so that they can make the change, fix what they are doing and help themselves before they sign something they really didn’t mean to sign. Great discussion starter too.

This was something I chose because it wasn’t something I had ever even thought about! I wouldn’t had even known about this until I read it. This sparked some questions up for me, which would make for a great discussion starter. I’m going to research this one a little more.

Because I liked all 3, and felt they were all so informative with information that people do not pay attention to I couldn’t pick just one!

3. Intellectual Property

Before I did this section, I had little to no knowledge of what Intellectual Property meant. With the help of this article and may others just like it, I was able to learn something new! Also I was able to understand why singers, artist, and people who sell or promote something online, don’t want someone just to “steal” their work. Using someone else’s art, makes it less valuable for them.

I found this under Discussions-Arts and Computers.

I found this one under Discussions-Learning Literacies and found this one MOST helpful and informative. And is also a great discussion starter! So for me, this is the best site within this section. So many great questions I thought about with just reading the title, some of them being answered within the article and some of them making me want to do more research to find the answers of what I was asking. Including the video, its short enough you can watch very quickly yet you are getting so much information in just 4 minutes.

I found think one on the Assignment 3, that was provided by you. I found that it gave more information on what copyrighting is. With examples that helped me think of it, how it was done, how it happens, how its avoidable. Also another one that has great information to have in depth discussions.

4. Crime

I found this one while I was researching this topic, and found it to have lots of information on how it happens, but also how to prevent it. Some of the ways that it says it happens, identity theft, credit card fraud or computer hacking, I would never even have thought of it, like someone stealing your information only to sell it someone else who will then purchase or use your information to gain access to your accounts. Who wants to be the middle man? I found this crazy!

I found this under Hacked..Now what-discussions. I chose this one because I felt that it gave enough information on how to recover after being hacked, where to start and what to do. I don’t know if it’s going to be a great discussion starter or if its just great because it tells you want to do.

I found this one to be the best article I found, I saw one like it under discussions-Computers and Crime.

With a little information provided, sparks lots of in depth questions about each topic, from online scams, to identity theft, online harassment, and cyberstalking are just some of the topics this article addresses. The reason I find it to be the best article is because I think it can spark lots of discussion about Computers and Crime.

5. Employment, Education and Entertainment

This topic is very important to me, and everyone who wants to be able to learn online! This is an important topic and could be address as 3 different sections because there was so much information!


I found this for education because it is so important that we have online teachers/professors so that students who want to learn via the internet have that ability to go to school and take classes online!

It was under Discussions: Keywords.

While I did some research for jobs, I found

and what jobs they offered. I was surprised with how much they offered, how many jobs there are, and how they offer jobs at home or jobs for college students. For Employment, this was the best website I found out of Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft.

I found this under the Assignment prompt, and I enjoyed the article. What can be done to spark student creativity? Keeping kids engaged at school is whats most important, letting kids be creative is how we are going to see them surprise us with what they can do!

6. Midterm - Grand Challenges

This was under the assignment prompt as well, but this is the one that I found to be the best website out of all the ones that I researched. It was very easy to navigate, to go to another site that had information on the challenge that you chose, and was very attractive: colorful and layout of the site was perfect.

I found this while I was researching my Grand Challenge. I am a good learner when it comes to being able to see it like this in a diagram. A perfect way of learning, being able to see it. Also, since there ins’t too much information it leaves room for so many questions that need to be googled and answered, great for a discussion starter.

I found this under Discussions from someone else’s post, but because I am in the medical field, and learning more about it interests me. I found this very entertaining. Maybe one day this can happen, maybe one day we can be self healers, or have a chip that gets ride of your common cold. Even more important, it can help someone who has a mental illness, someone who doesn't think straight, or just needs to be healed or feel like they are being heeled some way. I believe this is a great conversation starter, and could be taking so many different ways, negative and positive.

7. Evaluating and Controlling Technology

I found this under Discussions, and found it to be one of the ones I should or would have commented on to start up a discussion on the issues of the article. Our devices phones, computers, pagers do have control over us. Checking our email, facebook, instagram, and other social sites or just plain old text message, you go on vacation your phone goes with you, you can never escape from it. Some will agree and some will disagree, so this is a great conversation starter and makes you laugh a little when you read it. Thinking to yourself, that is so me!

I also found this under the discussion section, but what made me open it up to read it is because Stephen Hawking is an amazing man and has articles/books that are great reads. Since this is such a controversial topic: could artificial intelligence end man kind, this could lead to such a great debate, who is on his side, who believes it will and to those who do not believe it has any effect on ending man kind.

This was the best one I found under Evaluating and Controlling Technology, maybe because it is a video and how easy is it to sit and watch a video, than read some boring old text. It’s important to realize you can not believe everything you read on the internet, you can’t trust everyone who is on the internet. This makes for a interesting discussion, and to have people open up to realizing there are “fakes” on the internet.

8. Risks, Failures and Responsibilities

I found this when I was researching during this topic. Computer Assisted Surgery is a extremely important topic, we can help and do things now that we didn't have the ability to help before. Children in the womb, we can now fix before they are born. We can do Ear, Nose and throat surgery with small took that a surgeons hands can not perform.

I found this under Discussions.

Learning to code whether young or old, doesn't really matter but does help when using a computer.

Article is found under discussions and in my opinion is the best website I read in this section.

When you are giving both negative and positives about a topic it allows for lots of discussion and difference for opinions. What are some of the consequences of technology being so advance as they are today, how procedures or tests that need to be performed and waited days for results, now you get them in the same day. Yes thats a positive, but lots of discussion can be sparked from all the information this site has.

9. Anytime, Anywhere

With having a 10 year old, I found this information so useful! It is hard for them to site down and read a book, it doesn't seem as fun to them, yet they use a phone or iPad that has their games on it, to read something on their and now all of a sudden it is fun to read! I found this under the assignment prompt, was very helpful. So helpful to be able to read on your phone, he can pick up the phone in the car ride, on the train, going out of town, or anywhere he is.

As much as I want to say it is a stupid game, I have to say this get kids out of the house and walking around. Promoting exercise for our young is a necessity, especially when all they want to do is play games. This helps, playing a game but walking and getting out of the house! There are stops and places everywhere you can go, makes playing this game go mobile anywhere you go in the world.

This is the best article and read for mobile learning. Having the ability to do school work or research on the phone, allows you to be able to do it from anywhere in the world at anytime during the day. Very important, for people who travel and are going to school or can work away from home using there phone.

10. Technology Advances, Social Trends

I found this under the discussions: Computers in the future, and found it to be the best one that I read. Especially because this is a huge technology advancement, if we can develop robots that roam around with us. So much information and so helpful, we are all scared of robots and having a robot take over, yet what we need to be thinking is that they can work right beside us. Having robots roam around is something some people want and some don’t, which is great for discussion because you can possible change someones mind by telling them your opinion or what you think they should do.

I-watches, fit bites, jawbone, all wearable technology that improves our health, or makes us more accountable for the steps we have taken that day. We need to have a little motivation, and if wearing a microchip that improves our health, bad or good could be perfect. So many patient have to have a site dog, hearing dog, that can really save a life. People may want to wear it, may not. Gives a lot to talk about, debate about.

There are already self driving cars yes, but they are just going to keep getting more advanced and safer as they put more time into making them.

I can’t wait to see what they have in store for future self driving cars, could have a great debate regarding wanting or not wanting self driving cars.

REFLECTION: My favorite topic was 5. Employment, Education and Entertainment because I feel that computer use at work and school are so important. Being able to have classes online now, is a complete change from when my mother and father went to school, to allow kids to play educational games, learn and read on their iphone/ipad/or device: makes learning fun! It's no longer yelling, telling them when to read, its children already reading on their phone and playing education games. What we can do today, that we were unable to do 30 years ago is huge!