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Contact-new.svg Mackenzie Drake
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Flag of USA.svg USA

My Grand Challenges topic was providing access to clean water. This topic was very interesting becasue I got to see how technology aruodn me was being used to help others thrive. A lot of the technology I found was in the Bay Area, so it was very interesting to see how my home was helping the community and even the world.

  • 1. Introductions

(a) BEST Positive and Negative Impact of Computer in Society(provided by media)

This site compared negative and positive aspects of computers in society. It also talked a lot about interactions between people specifically using computers. The constant communication via computers is constantly being questioned.
(b)Don't own your metadata? Prepare to get owned (Wired UK)(provided by media)
In this article, a man uses a personal experience he had to enlighten others to not allow metadata take control over their life and describes how a name isn't a  person, it only represents them. Therefore many people can be represented by one name. The article goes on talking about all the metadata people put out into the world and on the internet. Because people have little control over metadata, he is basically saying you should try and control everything you are able to.


Do you think that the change in face to face interactions is affecting the way people act in social situations? This question of mine was answerdd by this article. Yes, I do think so because I persoanlly can see a difference in how I behave in social situations.

  • 2. Privacy and Freedom of Speech


This article talks about the differences between the technology used to help extract personal information from people nowadays versus WW1. Because of all the personal information put on the Internet via social media, Marx believes no one has the privacy guaranteed by the amendments. It's very interesting to see the changes in technoogyy and how they are affecting society.

(b)How to Find Out What Google Knows About You | POPSUGAR Tech(provided by media)

I would definitely recommend this site because it allows the viewer to see what Google knows about you. This can be extremely useful because if one doesn't want certain information on the web, they can do what they need to do in order to remove it. This site directly relates to privacy because someone may think they are invisblee online, but in reality thier personal information can be found all over the Internet.

(c) BEST

A huge controversial subject nowadays is climate change. I chose this blog because I wanted to get an idea about how others view global warming. This particular blogger chose to incorporate the  views of politicians to get a response out of other viewers therefore this is a prime example of freedom of speech.

  • 3. Intellectual Property

(a) BEST 5 Crazy Ways Social Media Is Changing Your Brain Right Now - YouTube(povidedd by media)

This video talked about how social media is affecting our physical attributes, specifically our brains and describes how the endorphins that are released when we go on social media are similar to those of drugs. The "high" you get off of being on social media is your brain releasing dopamine. Apparently 80% of the things one posts on social media is about themselves, so your brain "rewards" itself by releasing these endorphins and its also becoming more common to find the right person as far as relationships via online dating sites.

This article talks about how the technological world has actually helped artists expose their work and even enhance it. Not only can artist display their works through social media and the web, but they can incorporate it in their pieces. Even though some have been enlightened with this technology there are those who despise it, so many think it is changing the art world for the worse.


This  web page discusses when copyright laws can be put into affect. Because there are so many laws that protect us from copyright we have to make sure we understand them all.The web page also includes a brief description about privacy laws. It specifically refers to the impersonation of someone;specifically someone famous.

  • 4. Crime


This website tells who to immediately change all your passwords and start backing up any information you have eon your computer. It also gives you a ton of advice on how to prevent future hackings. Crime is soemthing many people have to deal with, so its very useful.

(b)BEST This article talks about how difficult it is to prosecute internet crime. It's so difficult because of the identity thefts and the cyber trails left behind aren't as easy to detect when you compare it to DNA tests and finger prints.


Joshua Eaton explains how computer companies aren't allowing the FBI access to peoples encrypted communications because they believe it is an invasion of privacy. The companies say that they can't get that information because they don't want to undermine that persons security.

  • 5. Employment, Education and Entertainment


In this article a teacher passionately describes the activities her class does and how engineering isn't involved enough. Its great to see such desire in teaching the youth. She also talks about the children being creative and designing their own projects based on what they each specifically want to learn.

(b)W3C Web of Things at W3C(provided by media)

I believe this is a good resource because it talks about lifting people up through their own creative experiences. It talks about how important it is to be independent along with finding ones true identity.
(c) BEST

Similar to our online class, it can bring people together that wouldn't normally be in the same class and helps students keep up with their studies. Its all free. Students may have a difficult tie discussing with others and because of how many people are allowed to do MOOC, grading papers is just a ridiculous amount of work.

  • 6. Mid Term project - Grand Challenges (I chose how to have access to clean drinking water for everyone)


This article talks about Bill Gates and his decision to try and make sludgy gross waste water into two forms; electricity and water. Gates has funded a program that has made a contraption that does this. Apparently the filtration plant has been very successful and gates wishes to have one made for rural parts of Africa and India to help those that live without clean water.

(b) BEST

This article is about a young man trying to help civilizations in Africa not contract disease that may end up in water sources. Human waste isn't deposited in toilets in Africa, it is basically just a big hole in the ground that eventually needs to be emptied. People who come into contact with these pits contract diseases, so in order to avoid that this man has created a pump to extract the waste.

(c) The University of Utah and a university in Pakistan are teaming up to find a solution to water troubles in both regions. The two universities share very similar water problems as far as scarcity. The groundwater availability and climate change are extremely similar allowing both schools to team up.

  • 7. Evaluating and Controlling Technology

(a) BEST Positive, Negative or Neutral? Crucial Conversations on Digital Citizenship | Connected Principals(provided by media)

This link took me to a website that encourages young people to use the skills they have learned from social experiences online for academic use as well. This makes total sense to me. Kids are developing online skills that they then can use in the classroom and to develop life skills.

This is an example ofevaluatingg technology. Fox talks about WiFi boosters which identify where in someones house the most WiFi is being used and sends more to the area. It's extremely efficient and can save data(aka save money).


This article says that the IoT is becoming an extremely popular topic. It describes it as being an on and off switch that connects any device to the Internet. This seems like a very interesting idea to me.

  • 8. Risks, Failures and Responsibilities

(a) BEST

This website is directly combining findings on cancer with technology with the 3-D conformal radiation technology. I have read articles about how radiation causes cancer.


This website talks about how new technology, scubas using stem cells to help with cancer, is causing problems regarding ethics. Stem cells can be used from a woman's egg cells and people have very controversial opinions on whether or not that is ethical. I personally believe that this research has the potential to save lives, so its a necessary action.


Being safe online and with technology is something people of every ages should make sure they understand. Like I said before, the Internet is becoming more and more accessible and with this comes responsibility. This website shows kids how to be same when it comes to technology and computers.

  • 9. Anytime, Anywhere


This article dresses the facts about how the advances in technology have allowed entertainment to take a whole new form. Instead of going out into society to seek out activities to do and places to see, everything thing we need to get a good laugh and se friends is at the tips of our fingers.

(b) This Ted Talk was about how society needs to work together more. Becasue of the access technology has gievn us it shoudd be easier.


This application allows you to contact the nearest CPR certified person if you are in need. This eliminates the need to call 911 and wait for emergency care to arrive. Thereby, saving time and saving lives.

  • 10. Technology Advances, Social Trends

(a)BEST I chose the Youtube video "The world is changing" from selected media

It talks about how the constant change and evolving population of humans is creating problems for our plant. This seems to be ironic because we are all trying to thrive on Earth, but in the end we are doing soemthings wrong.


This website describes and gives a bar graph that shows the increase of smartphones in the US from 2010 to 2019 and you can compare the number of smartphones to the number of social media sites. As they increase, so does the number of smartphones.

(c) One Dollar Eye Glasses

This man decided he wanted to help the 150 million people in the world who live in poverty and cannot afford eye glasses. He created a pair and has started to help those people around the world. I feel like this makes a huge difference because students can now read and learn, adults can possibly perform their jobs more efficiently, and people just all around can see better.