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The international society for Technology Education has re-released its educational Technology standards for teacher. These standards include 21 century skills .some of there skills are

1. Finding and managing resources 2. Publishing on the web 3. Connecting with colleagues, students, parents and local and global communities

Teacher must be proficient in these skills in order to model good practices for their Students and help students include these skills for learning.

In view of this new trainings approaches may be explored which will be effective in Developing confidence of teacher and providing experiences to use technology for teaching and learning in constructivist learning situation .activities may be organized Which will allow collaborative work for teacher educators with full knowledge on Using and integrating ICT in the education process

Continuous Professional Development of Teacher

The teacher education program seeks to provide the conceptual framework Through the following specific outcomes:-

1. Subject matter :- teacher educators will demonstrate a thorough Knowledge of their subject matter 2. Pedagogy :- teacher educator will demonstrate level of instructional Skill and learner characteristics, sufficient to systematically design and Deliver instructions. 3. Assessment :- teacher educators will design implement, analyses and Interpret the students assessment. 4. Technology :- teacher educators will demonstrate the ability to use Appropriate instructional technology for information management, Communication and instructions. 5. Professional :- teacher educators will demonstrate the professional Dispositions and knowledge of school operation necessary to be Successful in classroom.

Constructivism and professional development

Constructivism is based on a particular theory of learning which postulates That knowledge is personally constructed out of one own unique set of experience A good amount of literature is available in recent years which detail this view of learning (Erickson-1983, driver o….idham-1986, Osborne and frayberg-1985) The notion of constructivist learning can be shown to be specific to a variety of educational contents. This theory is manifested in classrooms through various practical ways by instructional strategy of student-teachers on their specialization subject.

Constructivism from pedagogical point of view:-

1.It reflects a commitment to student centeredness. 2.It considers and respects for the student prior beliefs or alternative conceptions. 3.It encourages learning as “conceptual change”.

Preparing teachers for the challenges of changing world means equipping them with subject specific expertise, innovative and effective teaching practice, an understanding of technology and the ability to work collaboratively with other teachers, members community and parents,

Teacher educators, for their professional development in respect of ICT mediated constructivist learning may upgrade their 1.Subject knowledge 2.Pedagogical practices 3.Local language proficiency 4.Pedagogical practices in remote community areas.

Role of ICT in professional development

There is a wide variety of professional development opportunities to assist teachers and school administrators to learn ICT and ways to use ICT with students. The format may very, from participating in an online discussion list to participating in an extended action research project. Below are some points teachers educators may find useful when sourcing information and opportunities for themselves and their staff.

1.Smart classroom Digital pedagogies initiatives can recharge teachers and give them a new vision of and greater confidence in, embedding ICT into education.

2.The smart classrooms professional development framework can help teachers work toward the goal of making ICT integral in teaching and learning.

3.ICT learning Innovation Centers provide profession development session that are run by teachers for and not only look at the use of software and hardware, but also the challenges of integrating the tools into classroom practice.

4.The learning place online courses are offered to teachers and students through blackboard and learning management system.

5.The curriculum Exchange resource centre features ICT curriculum integration resources.

6.ICT for learning practical ideas for teachers booklets describe approaches to ICT curriculum integration with practical, step by step examples f ICT use across a range of year levels, key learning areas and student group.

7.The learning place professional communities are developed by teachers, for teachers. The communities connect teachers in a range of ways.

8.The learning place collaborative online project can help teachers integrate online learning and the Internet into their classrooms.

9.Teachers and students can use the learning place communication resources, such as, online chats, forums and projects to extend learning.

How and how well teachers are prepared for teaching is a critical indicator of education quality. Preparing teachers for the challenges of a changing world means equipping them with subject-specific expertise, effective and innovative teaching practices, developing an understanding of technology and the ability to work collaboratively with other teachers, members of the community and parents.

Approaches to ICT Integrated Constructivist professional Development

Teacher educators are required to understand the following approaches and their applications in day to day professional activities. Each of the approaches as described below may require some conceptual understanding and hand-on activities to upgrade their skills on professional development.


The aim of this paper was to provide an overview of practice and frameworks for ICT integration in Teacher Professional development.

Concepts linked to the key terminology of Information and Communication Technology, Teacher Professional Development and ICT Integration were examined.

The paper sought to also clarify global agendas that are driving the momentum for ICT integration in education systems in the developed and developing worlds and the paradigm shift that this is creating in education generally and in teacher professional development in particular.

The use of ICT in Africa was surveyed and the lessons and principles of good practice that are emerging from the region were identified.

Finally models for ICT in Teacher Professional Development that have emerged from the International Research were examined and the role of Benchmarking as a mechanism for institutional reflection, development and improvement on its mission for incorporating ICT into programmes that will contribute to the national vision for a knowledge-based society.