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Hey, I'm Francis and I like listening to pretty much any genre of music.

I am a student in CIS2.

MidTerm Project

For my midterm project, I chose to research Millennium Development - Goal 4, which was Reducing Child Mortality. I chose to research on child mortality because it was just a topic I felt needed to be discussed and more aware of. UNICEF plans to try and reduce child mortality by 2/3 of deaths at the end of year 2015. UNICEF aims to reduce the number of young child deaths from preventable and easily treatable causes. They are the world’s largest purchaser of vaccines, producing more than 40% of all vaccines used in developing the world. Immunization rates of children in the 1970s were at 20%, in 2002, rates were at 74%.  

Final Project Links

+ = Indicates what I think my best link is.

1.) Introductions

 I found this article interesting because it discussed 7 characteristics great leaders should have. The first characteristic is that you should do the right things, even when no one is watching. You should always have courage and strength of character to do the right thing when you’re alone. The next is to take personal responsibility. When things go wrong, don’t make excuses, take the blame and make sure those who do the right work get the credit. The next is to do whatever it takes, but minimize collateral damage. You should achieve your goals within moral and ethical boundaries. The next is to develop followers. Empower your staff to continually improve in work to achieve great success. The next is to never go it alone. Seek out an extended network to get knowledge from different angles from different people. The next is to leave people and things better than you found them. Always make a positive difference that benefits everyone. Lastly, to be courageous, this is achieved by being a leader.


 I chose the 20 Basic Rules For Digital Citizenship because this article talked about what you should “do” and “not do” on the Internet. Majority of the “do” is all common sense, you should be careful of what you post because it’s the Internet anything can happen with what you post, even if you think you’re safe. The Internet is the easiest place to have a debate with another person. You shouldn’t plagiarize other people’s work just because it is online, people post online to share, not to be plagiarized. I feel like this article is important because it provides rules of the internet, or if you were to compare it to real life, laws of the internet.

 This is not an article, but it is a picture showing you steps on how to focus. According to the data given, 95% of people say the struggle to focus. In order to keep yourself focused it is recommended to keep food at your table because glucose helps your brain focus. You should continue on to get a good and comfortable chair, while your at it make a list of what to do. An important tip is to turn off your phone so you won't be tempted to check it every 5 minutes. Listen to calm music or no music at all to help your mind focus. Have as least amount of items on your desk, try to keep your surroundings minimal. If there are electronics in the room powered on, then make sure to power them off. The first couple of times you practice being focused you should time yourself and see how much you did in an hour. If you were able to focus, then reward yourself and have a treat. Also recommended is to keep your pet by your side because they apparently help you focus.

2.) Privacy and Freedom of Speech


This article talks about how privacy is being violated by spammers and how encryption can win over the war of hackers and spammers. This article makes it clear that an encryption is good at solving problems. An encryption is the most effective way to achieve data security. If encryption is used in things such as email services, we could be making ourselves vulnerable to spam.

This article is about "11 Tips For Students To Manage Their Digital Footprint" because it gives us 11 tips on ways we can manage ourselves on the internet. It's basically a list of tips for someone who doesn't spend much time on the internet and doesn't spend a lot of time on social media sites.

This article tackles the uses of facial recognition of whether it should be used or not. The sentence that prompted my question was, “At a base minimum, people should be able to walk down a public street without fear that companies they’ve never heard of are tracking their every movement - and identifying them by name - using facial recognition technology.”

3.) Intellectual Property


This article was about live-streaming apps, such as Periscope and Meerkat, illegally broadcasting video contents. Both Periscope and Meerkat must respond to requests by the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) to take down illegal pirated content. On sites such as YouTube, there are technological programs that automatically take down the illegal, copyrighted content, but some legal content get mixed in the programs; so Periscope and Meerkat claim they will not need that certain technology.

This link is a guide for a student to manage their time and study environment. Provided in the link is 7 steps to help your procrastination. First is to clear your schedule and don't overwork yourself, next is to get motivated, after you should prioritize what needs to be done, next you should make sure you understand the task, next break down the tasks into sections, then don't worry how you perform because it doesn't have to be perfect, lastly you should try to enjoy the task as much as possible. Also given is a guide to your study environment, such as; time of day, grouping, posture, sound, lighting, and temperature.

This site had posts by different people on their thoughts about copyright on their work. Most of the people talked about how their photographs have value when their original artwork is posted online, but issues sometimes occur when people use their photos without any credit. The artist that originally posted an artwork lose value to their photo when people take or edit their work without any credit. This is why artists are suggesting people to have a watermark located somewhere on the photo to protect it from copyright infringement.

4.) Crime


This link was about college study tips for students. You should create Mnemonics which devices to remember a formula, definition, etc. Make flash cards can help you remember formulas, definitions, etc. Make a study guide to jot down the most important information. Try to quiz yourself to see if you can memorize your information. Studying in a group is helpful so you can exchange information with others in case you or your friends have something you don’t have. Study as much as you can during the week, don’t just cram everything on the last day. Getting lots of sleep will help you be more alert and focused the next day, remember to sleep early as well, sleeping too late isn’t helpful.

This article talks about how Harvard University discovered an intrusion in their data systems. Security believes personal data, e-mail, or PIN numbers have not been exposed, but hackers most likely obtained Harvard student’s login credentials giving the hackers access to personal computers and university e-mails. The school just advises students to change their passwords to a longer, stronger password.

This link is about computer hacking and identity theft. When you enter your information online, there’s a chance a hacker can find the information and take it. There is also a list of how computer hacking happens and what you can do about computer hacking.

5.) Employment, Education and Entertainment

This link is about a startup program that was made for entrepreneurs to collaborate with each other. The program named “SuccessLab” targets new upcoming businesses that need help with collaboration, their motto is, “Where entrepreneurs collaborate to achieve greatness.” Helpful tips to start a your own SuccessLab group are also given on the site.


This TED talk will be useful for someone who is about to make a speech or presentation. Especially if you’re not a strong public speaker, this video can help you to speak out loud so people will want to listen to you. Since this is a TED talk, it would be a perfect video to show in the a work environment because TED talks are always interesting and entertaining.

Every rookie speaker has their flaws, this is a good link for mistakes you should avoid if you are the speaker. There are 10 tips given and they are helpful tips, if you remember them and to slow down when speaking you should do fine. Try to make your speech simple, but have enough prepared. The Prezi slideshow is a fun, interactive presentation, which is a big plus to this link.

6.) Midterm Project (MDG)


UNICEF provides high-impact health and nutrition interventions. UNICEF aims to reduce the number of young child deaths from preventable and easily treatable causes. They are the world’s largest purchaser of vaccines, producing more than 40% of all vaccines used in developing the world. Immunization rates of children in the 1970s were at 20%, in 2002, rates were at 74%. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), poor conditions is the cause of most young deaths. They’re one of the first aid organizations on the scene following an outbreak of a crisis, helping and aided those who need it most.

 This article mentions the food security and nutrition for kids 2 and under in the Philippines. The program aimed to increase exclusive breastfeeding in the project, reduce the fact of under nutrition, and improve the capacities of national and local governments to promote and perform policies on Infant and Young Child Feeding. The rights of the child from pregnant and lactating women are appropriate to infant feeding are supported and protected through the program.

This program seeks to reduce the under-5 child mortality in Uganda. New entrepreneurs seek to expand market for a range of health and consumer products for medicines to cure diarrhea, malaria, and pneumonia. Their focus on diagnosing and treating the under-5 children, they make referrals to clinics, provide counseling to pregnant women, they sell affordable health and consumer products, and make a small but steady income.

7.) Evaluating and Controlling Technology

This article is about technology controlling us. Discussed is whether your need to have technology is an addiction or just a habit. The author mentions that they're pro-technology meaning they support technology. When he doesn't pick up his phone to check messages or updates he feels anxiety. Personally myself I somewhat feel anxiety, but am able to control it.

This TED talk is about Internet privacy, but it’s mostly on email privacy. Andy Yen (the speaker) talks about how your email is not exactly private because your mail gets sent through the Internet where hackers can take your information. So when you send an email people can invade your privacy and you’re risking your private information being stolen. Andy suggests encrypted emails that way we can have all the privacy we need.


Creative Commons is a site that allows you to have a free of use copyright license, where you can allow people to copyright a portion of what you post.

8.) Risks, Failures, and Responsibilites


 This article was about how new technologies could disrupt government. Although there are new technologies being made, there may be unintended consequences. Driverless cars expects increased safety on roads because driverless cars are programmed to abide by the law. Violations could lessen up due to the programmed cars.

 This article was about medical supplies being delivered to a clinic in Virginia by a drone. In the article they say that drones delivering medical supplies is innovative and good because it would allow places to receive the materials faster. But in the end, would drones be a reliable source of delivery?

This article is about a how the mining industry looks to improve health and safety through technology. Miners are known to have a dangerous job in an unsafe working condition. The industry plans to use a tool of training: virtual reality. Mines Rescue is a coal services business that has launched their virtual reality training center. The center contains a 360 degree view of screens providing accurate and realistic mine setting underground. Quoted by Steve Tonegato, the State Operations Manager of Mines Rescue, "It puts them in situations that can't be replicated in the real world... You can't light fire underground, you can't have smoke coming at you, and you can't put people in high pressure situations in real mines where they have to make decisions, but you can do that here." The training center has over 50 km of virtual roadway. The virtual reality setting can be customized into different mining assets and equipment. You can add dangers to practice your response times. Everything is replicated that can happen in the mining tunnels in the virtual reality technology.

9.) Anytime, Anywhere

This site discusses how MOOCs are like music albums. They’re both scalable ways to share specific content with a worldwide community in a non-competing way and is a connection created between the content creator and a specific audience.


Digital wallets (eWallets) are becoming popular among consumers. With the power of the Internet, computers, and social media, consumers are trying new methods of payments.

This found this TED talk interesting because it was about a fire fighter who was told to grab a pair of shoes in a house of a burning fire. He was happy enough that the woman even acknowledged him for saving a pair of shoes. I learned that I shouldn’t wait to make a difference, I should just do something right away to make a difference, any contribution helps someone else.

Quoted by TED speaker, Mark Bezos, "Don’t wait till you make your first million to make a difference, if you have something to give, give it now."

10.) Technology Advances, Social Trends


This article is about driverless cars and if they would be safe. Back To The Future Part 2 predicted there would be autonomous cars by 2015, but they were wrong although it was only a movie. Some companies have already started making self driving cars, but the debate is on whether they are safe or not. Robot cars equipped with powerful sensors or cameras will be able to sense that there is an object or car in the way. The car's sensors will be able to adjust the speed, accelerate, brake, and turn. I think this will have a big impact in our lives because it would be a new product that people would buy because everyone in society would start to get one. For example, the CyBoard is a new two-wheeled device where you lean forward, backward, or to the sides to move, somewhat like a portable Segway. People have bought this item because of social media and all the publicity it has gotten. With driverless cars I feel like the impact will be the same.

I believe this will make a significant impact for the greatest number of people. I believe so because provide inexpensive e-readers to school that way kids can use e-books. I chose this link because I feel like getting this tech to schools with little to no money  will make a big change. Instead of having to buy and read tons of books, the children would be able to have access to tons of e-books at their fingertips.

In this article, the author talks why 40 million deaths in a year is a mystery. A study found that about 2/3 of all deaths go unrecorded. Which means we don't actually know if 40 million people die each year. A question asked in the article was, "How do people get their death stats?" In the US causes of deaths are determined by surveys or censuses. Companies are looking to use mobile or other technology to collect data more efficiently and faster.

Favorite Topic

I think my favorite topic would have to be what we did in module 3, Intellectual Property. The resource that taught me the most about computers and technology would have to be: I chose this link because it provided 20 basic rules for digital citizenship, it provided what you needed to know on your journey of spending time on the computer.