User:Fabian Gonzalez/Academic writing notes

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Students, ELT students, B.A., English language, speaking proficiency, fluency, Ss get stucked when explaining something, knowledge, vocabulary, environment, people, seasons, climate, interaction, interest through English language, motivation.

Problem Statement

Most of the time English language students have been involved with the target language but, when they want to produce English language students lack in fluency and vocabulary.

Purpose Statement

To propose an option in which English language students produce L2 with better quality and they should use that improvement when teaching.

Research questions

Why is important to research about speaking proficiency in students of seventh semester?

How Face to face interaction will help English language students in their speaking profiency?

Anotated Bibliography

Anotated Bibliography

Ellis, R. (1985) Understanding Second Language Acquisition, Oxford University Press: ISBN.

- The issue in learning a second language is not simple. There are differences in learning a second language, in one hand, is the necessary input to be able to speak the target language or at least start generating some sentences. On the other hand the interaction with the target language is important in order to make the learner produce the language and in this way the learner could monitor its self.

Rod Ellis had written more than 30 books and about 100 hundred articles and all related with second language acquisition. I think this author is very important in order to support my research paper because he is well recognize around the world.

University, O. (1997) Second Language Acquisition, Oxford University Press: ISBN.

-This book talks about the difference in acquiring a second language and learning a second language. "The term acquisition, when used of language, refers to the gradual development of ability in a language by using it, naturally in communicative situations and the term learning, however, applies to a conscious process of accumulating knowledge of the vocabulary and grammar of a language" (Oxford, University Press, 1997)

This book was written Oxford, University Press. This is the more prestigious editorial around the world. Its foundation was in 1476. It has hundreds of years in supporting important authors. There is no doubt in adding this book in my research paper.

Retrieved from:, November, 2010.

-This is a PDF file that I found in internet and this file gives certain information about teaching techniques but I just want to focus in one(the natural approach)in this teaching technique the learner acquire the language in natural way through some activities.

I think this information will be helpful in my research by knowing different teaching techniques and applying that means the most for learners in order to improve their English.

Retrieved from:, November, 2010.

-Communicative competence is used for linguists referring that the learner has to blend skills in which allows the learner speak the appropriate utterances when being in the social context. This topic is important because learners of L2 lack when they try to speak.

Dr. Merrill Swain is a Professor in the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University. he is interested in studying bilingualism the competence that learners need to produce an L2. His studies are important to apply in my research paper it will help in creating alternatives to make learners produce competence when speaking among them.

Wyatt, M (2009, The Electronic Journal for English as a Second Language, Practical Knowledge Growth in Communicative Language Teaching, Vol. 13,(2) pp.25

-Mark Wyatt discusses in this journal about how to help learners of L2 in their communicative competence by working about what they already know about L2 (Previous knowledge)and he calls the "growth knowledge". There is no information about this author it could be that he has no much credibility in his journal even though he supported his work with several authors. As a result, this journal could be useful.

Retrieved from:, November, 2010.

-This is an article of the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Association Office of Diversity in it, discusses about how to improve interaction according to different generations, it means, that according the time pass by the new generations modify the language making some structures shorter or different pronunciations and in here the association gives some tips about how to adapt interaction according with the new generations.

I do not think it really helps with my research because my research is more focus with learners of L2 and maybe this article discusses interaction among the countries in which English is spoken.

Fogg, P (2007), The Chronicle of Higher Education, Community Colleges, Vol. 54, (9), p. B12. Retrieved on November 4, 2010 from

-This article talks about some tips that will work for learners of L2, for example, taking into consideration the age, previous knowledge, adapt the classes with they like, the use of technology, etc. I think this is an important electronic journal, it gives useful information.

Rodriguez, M. Pathways to Bilingualism: Young Children’s Home Experiences Learning English and Spanish, pp.8

-This journal talks about how children can acquire both languages at the same time English and Spanish through interaction with the language. The child must be involved with the language and naturally will acquire two languages. There is no information about the writer but I found the article interesting.

All the information searched is focus to Learners of English giving them another ways or improving their English skills.

Sections of an academic paper

- Title page (university name, research topic, autor's name(s), date,) 1 page

- Abstract (120 words, not indented, all text is left justified, all lines double space) abstract gives an general idea of the research. 1 page

- Table of contents (section & number) 1 page

- literature review (The first line write the title of the paper, every paragraph is indented, change to inches not write in cm. 0.05 inch) 1 page

- Method -heading- (participants, context -school, work- which kind of instruments)

- Results - Data analysis -

- Conclution (no more than one page 250 words, is not a new section)

- References (List of references) 1 page

Note: level one headings go in bold text. Only the titles go in bold and not in quotations or any other part.

  • Abstract just 120 words and it is not indented
  • All the text will be left justified. In each title will be a page breaker.


For journals

author's last name, first initial. (year). The title of the article, title of the journal, volume no., pp.

For online pages

Author's last name, first initial. (year). the name of the article. Retrieved on September 28, 2010 from


Author's last name, first initial. (year). Title of the book, place of publication: Publisher.



Citation and references---

Abbas, Andrea and Mclean, Monica(2003) 'Communicative Competence and the Improvement of University Teaching: Insights from the field', British Journal of Sociology of Education, 24: 1, 69 — 82

Teaching English as a Second Language. Retrieved on September 28, 2010 from

English as a Second Language for Adults. Retrieved on September 28, 2010 from

John C., Richard Ch., Geraldine H.,Jeff J., and Paul T.(2010)Neuro-linguistic programming and learning: teacher case studies on the impact of NLP in education.

Vissak, T.(2010)The Qualitative Report, Recommendations for Using the Case Study Method in International Business ResearchVolume 15, pp 19.

Clara J.(2008)The Relationship between the Strategy of Knowledge Folders and Study Skills (action research paper) Manica B.,Seyoum D.,Petter T.,Samantha P.,Robert D.(2005)Examples of tropical desease control in teh humanitarian medical programmes Of MSF and Merlin.

My links

A guide for writing research papers


Fabian, you might consider adding a bit more information about types of research and perhaps a list of references that you've found so far this course. --Benjamin Stewart 02:26, 12 October 2010 (UTC)

Thesis/research questions

A literature review about other people had read about.

Research paper main parts; title page, abstract, literature review, method; participants, instruments (is it quality/cuantitative), result section (graphs, statistics), discussion section (sometimes result and discussion section go toguether), conclution, references page, (There is adifference between refrence and bibliography. Bibliography offers recommended books and reference is a source for specific topic). Appendix (a,b,c).

Case study is based in study one person o few individuals and it is done for an specific purpose (a person unique)

Action research applying research is for improving (for example a teacher that wants to make an improvement in teaching). This research is apply in one's self (internal).

Field research it is done in a natural context, natural environment.

General information

-Never write the author's name without the year

-First mention the name of the author and then you can mention the autho's speech.

-Citation is within the sentence

-Answer the research questions which relate with the problem