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Hello my name is Ayyan Naisan I have been living in San Jose for 7 years and I am a student in CIS2

1. Introductions


- At first, I laughed when I opened this website because It's kind of funny to meet others with the same name I carry. After I filled out the required personal information in this website, it revealed the people that have the same as my name, the outcomes made me smile and happy because I found that others in the United States have the same name as mine, which is quite interesting.


- This website highlights the importance computers have in society and their major role in pushing work forward today. Short part from the website caught my attention a lot where it mentions, "contains in-depth case studies with extensive, thought-provoking end of chapter questions and is appropriate for a wide variety of undergraduate and graduate majors in areas such as Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Computer Information Science, Information Technology, Health Information Science, Business Management, and Political Science as well as many others majors." When it comes to computers, I think it extents technology only, but this website makes it clear how computers cover almost all fields of study.

- The second website provides legitimate information about how computers are shifting the world from every aspect of life.

2. Privacy and Freedom of Speech


- Privacy and freedom of speech are highly important when it comes to being an online user. But when high tech companies have the power to control everything we do online gives very little privacy and less freedom of speech to practice what we want to say online. In this article, something is very important to understand because it reveals why users aren't provided with full freedom online, "Facebook takes down wall posts after States complains of “subversive material”. Google hands over user data to law enforcement authorities that includes IP addresses, location data, and records of communications. The US government conducts mass surveillance of foreign phone and internet users." This states that those companies have dominated the virtual world allowing very little room for users.


- The above website addresses the importance of being aware when visiting sources in the online world, especially when dealing with the advanced virtual world that everyone has access to add and take from today. The second website caught my attention because it states that, even if there is unlimited freedom to say whatever you decide online, limited must be considered for personal safety.

- The second website provides more information for someone to understand the issue everyone is facing regarding privacy and freedom in the virtual world.

3. Intellectual Property


- I decided to show this website, not because of its content, but the information provided. For instance, this part, "internet is based on real-time, on immediate and global nature, enabling knowledge to reach much faster some locations in the world, which would have been unthinkable a few years ago." is interesting because it is truly happening that the internet is moving faster than anything else and its impacts are massive.


- This is another website that adds more interesting facts and opinions to how, intellectual property, plays a rule in the virtual world. The internet today, allows people to gain access to anything they are interested in finding, and sometimes this could harm other people. In the article, it mentions, "The internet has opened doors to allow people to easily copy and reproduce your material without permission." The virtual world is improving our life from one side and adding threats from the other.

-I would choose the second web address because of the information provided are very useful and on point about what's happening today in the virtual world.

4. Crime


- Discussing the word "Crime" first thing came to my mind was- physical harm, however, from this website I have expanded my understanding on this topic more. In the website above, the author mentions, "Modern technology is almost inseparable from our daily lives. However, criminals often take advantage of vulnerabilities in cybersecurity to commit crimes through the use of computer technology." This pushes me to think- how many times I have been hacked online by using online sources without even knowing it happened.


- This is another very interesting source that covers crimes in the virtual world and how anonymous people have potential access to a user's personal information. The part that mentions people had hoped on the internet to improve our lives and not add personal threats in our lives, caught my attention the most because this issue is what everyone fears today- being hacked and losing information to the public online.

- Between the two sources, I chose the second one because the author goes in-depth- providing personal thoughts regarding what people expected to have from the internet, instead they got something they didn't expect at all.

5. Employment, Education and Entertainment


- This website covers how the internet has come so far from improving education in today's world. Very interesting and mind-blowing fact from this website is where it mentioned, "New technologies like AI, machine learning, and educational software aren't just changing the field for students, they're shaking up the role of educators, creating philosophical shifts in approaches to teaching, and remodeling the classroom." Technology isn't only improving the way we study but it's also advancing the areas we study in.


- I selected this website because it covers employment and entertainment in the world today. Today, transferring money from one institute to another, hiring people for jobs, posting job opportunities is all done online, which ends up making everyone's life easier to have access to this information. Also, people interested in free time- would consider visiting online sources for events and things happening in their area.

- The first website I found more useful than the second one because there is more information provided by verified online users, which makes me more comfortable to trust the source more.

6. Midterm - Grand Challenges


- I choose this website because, for the midterm portion, we were assigned to choose an interesting website from the "Grand Challenges" section. Robotic technology provides a lot of help to us in many different aspects of life. Such as in the medical field; complex surgeries are and have been very hard and risky to control, but with advance help through robotic devices- doctors are able to treat people confidently. There are many many ways robots are a useful way to help people overcome complex tasks; Self-driving vehicles production is growing even faster every day. These vehicles are making it easier for people to take the cover of driving when the driver is tired or unable to drive.


- This second website provides personal experience from a guy whos a technology enthusiast and opportunist, born and raised in Kenya. He works with refugees- helping to learn software design and computers. This really caught my attention because it shows us how people, from other countries, are putting technology into effect in different ways.

- Even though the second website is very useful about the steps people are taking to spread technology, I would choose the first web address because it addresses how technology is used to improve the most sensitive field in our life- the medical field.

7. Evaluating and Controlling Technology


- Since the beginning of CIS2 online course, I have never come across websites like the one presented above- short video explaining the importance of evaluating technology such as sources that we often visit when are available online. The website provides detailed information like, "a user should and always have to consider if the source he/she is willing to visit is safe or not" because sometimes websites are hacked and are used to steal credential of online users.


- This website consists of slides which makes the topic discussed- Evaluating and controlling technology much easier to understand. There are a lot of bias opinions in this website and good views too, however, I agree with both since it comes from people who are viewing the internet and technology around me, just like me. I strongly agree with a section mentioned in this website, it talks about technology and not being able to control it would push us to have social disintegration.

- I think the second website I provided is the best since it provided both- positive and negative views from people who have already experienced the aspect of internet.

8. Risks, Failures and Responsibilities


- Today, everyone that uses the virtual world- online, is at some point afraid of being involved in a dangerous and risky situation. I believe the issue addressed in this topic is something each person should be aware of because, at some point or another, you might be affected by and everyone else- businesses, schools, hospitals, and government agencies. The websites address how information can leak if people aren't aware of what they are doing online.


- Today, a lot of suspicious activities occur to certain business- important being stolen and shared with third parties. In the article above, it states the importance of being aware when owning a business and how it might be at risk if prevention actions aren't taken. "f your business relies on information technology (IT) systems such as computers and networks for key business activities you need to be aware of the range and nature of risks to those systems." This clearly shows that everything is at risk and might be stolen if certain actions aren't taken to prevent it from happening.

- The first website is the best for this topic because it goes in providing examples of people who have been affected by this problem and business who have experienced such risks of having their company data shared with other parties.

9. Anytime, Anywhere


- The above website directs users to a charity website, that can be accessed through the internet anytime and anywhere. This website site on the positive side of what internet and technology are providing for in the world- the use of smartphones which everyone can carry in their pockets anywhere anytime, and he/she could access anything anytime. Smartphones provide full access to internet sources as you would have at a desktop or laptop- making it available to use all different kinds of apps. One way smartphones make good use of for the society is- having access to charity apps such as DonorsChoose; its app that let people donate money to public schools and schools, and classroom projects.


- This web address offers precise information on how "Online and Mobile technology are transforming language learning" to the next level. This is an interesting website because it covers the importance technology is having on education. This advance is great for international students because with the technology available and the right courses provided online, they won't have to go abroad to study.

- Both websites are helpful but I think the best one that covers the topic of "anytime anywhere" is the second one because, it offers a general description on- being anywhere and at any time someone could get access to the internet.

10. Technology Advances, Social Trends


- This website outlines the 5 major trends that will influence the business sector in the future. I chose this website because it outlines the successful improvement technology will have on businesses- and especially small controlled business that has short reach in today's business field. The article mentions "Artificial intelligence is expected to play a big role in marketing for years to come. While AI has been discussed for years, we're getting to a point where small businesses can better benefit from its use." Now small business will have the power to put their voice out there like every other business have had. This improvement raises many questions but one important question is- will small business have to pay large portions of money stay active?


- With the vast growth of technology comes to new improvements and innovations that will lead the world differently. Blockchain is the new trend, allowing less suspicious activities from taking place such as- stealing money or important data recorded online. "A block in a blockchain is a collection of data. The data is added to the block in the blockchain, by connecting it with other blocks in chronological others creating a chain of blocks linked together." This new system allows certain people to view the information but will never be able to edit it.

- The best website is the best that describes the topic because this new social trend brings more hope in people's lives to use online sites and share their personal data without being edited. This trend works more with banks institutes- prevents banks from editing transaction information.