Tupou I and the missionaries

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At the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
  1. Describe how Tupou I had used the missionaries to his advantage
  2. Describe how the missionaries had used Tupou I to their advantage

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Read the following texts focussing on Tupou I and the missionaries
  • Latukefu,S. Church and State
  • Rutherford,N. Friendly Islands

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Key points
  • Taufa'ahau had started to doubt his traditional gods, they were not serving his purposes
  • Taufa'ahau was impressed with the advanced knowledge and technology that the missionaries were equipped with
  • Taufa'ahau was convinced that the 'advanced' missionaries was the work of their God
  • The missionaries were in dire need of a local hero who could advance their work and they saw their champion in Taufa'ahau
  • Taufa'ahau had met all the right requirements for moving forward their cause
  • Taufa'ahau and the missionaries' partnership was a 'marriage of convenience'

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Possible activities
  • Role play
  • Debate
  • Cartoon / poster drawing with captions
  • Panel discussions

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Key points
  • Monitor student preparation ensuring that the preparatory work for the activity will meet the objectives or learning outcomes stated
  • Devise appropriate marking criteria to assess whether the objectives or learning outcomes have been achieved or not and that is aligned to the objectives or learning outcomes stated

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  • Implement the activity and mark accordingly