Assignments related to policy development

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I think the challenge here is to show the participants the process of policy development in a way that makes it feel relevant to them and not intimidating. To this end, it would be useful to present policies in a simple way.

We could start by explaining the policy-making process and emphasizing the role of the public so thta the participants see the how they can participate:

The policy-making process

Here's a short follow-up document on educational policy development. Then, we could show this short and simple document on writing a policy by using a link.

The participants could read this article and do some sort of analysis of the three cases therein. It's really only the objectives of each policy that are presented, so it's an easy read. Baby steps...

At this point, the participants could be asked to analyse a section of any one of the policies at the institution level, the government level, or the international level. Perhaps a few questions could guide the analysis of each of these types of policies. It would also be nice to compare and contrast these three types of policies in terms of how they are developed, who is involved, and who they affect.

Capstone assignment: Get the participants to write part of a policy using these resources:

This guide is about how to write a policy based on the Paris Declaration.

This article provides a template for writing an open education policy for an institution

This template for writing Government policy for OER use is very elaborate and thoroughly explained.

Chapter 6 of this document can be very useful.

Good Old Dan (talk)07:19, 25 May 2015

The COL link to policy template is broken, tried to find an alternative, but couldn't.

Tamiel (talk)02:12, 23 June 2015

I think I found a link to replace the broken one for a template for development of government policy on OERs:

COL recently reorganized its entire site, so links to their resources need to be replaced.

Good Old Dan (talk)03:20, 31 August 2015