
Fragment of a discussion from User talk:Jrradney
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Re IT4ALL: courses are like buses: another one coming soon. Seriously, the IT4ALL Moodle for Teachers course is offered 3 times a year in monthly rotations beginning (how nice!) with beginner, then intermediate, then advanced. Each level is a month-long course (about 10 hours per week), so people can take a breather for 3 months and join in on the next cycle.

I have had more participation during this last year than some, because I have had a very light teaching load. I will probably be too busy in the coming year to be as involved in the courses, but I still value the people and the approach used in the courses.

As far as the wiki formatting is concerned, things seem to have got fixed; not sure what the problem was. Does it still look pear-shaped on your end?--Jrradney 23:22, 17 August 2010 (UTC)

Jrradney (talk)11:22, 18 August 2010