The process of writing/ENGA101/The PWR method/Microblog

Consider your topic: Technology should be a part of the curriculum at all levels of education from kindergarten to university.
Brainstorming Select and use one of the techniques listed in the previous section to brainstorm about the topic. You need to come up with 5-10 ideas.
Share your list of ideas with your classmates using the WEnotes comment option below. Remember that getting feedback from your classmates can be very helpful as it might lead you to see your topic from a different perspective.
Outlining Once you've received feedback from your classmates, do a bit of research about the topic and create an outline using a structure similar to the one in your reading of Section 5.4 from the Handbook for writers.
Share your outline with your classmates using the WEnotes comment option below. Remember that getting feedback from your classmates can be very helpful as it might lead you to see your topic from a different perspective.