Talk:Finding information - literature searching

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Online module012:14, 16 August 2009

Online module

Hi Robin this online module has lots of stuff which would be relevant for this topic.

Searching for information There are other modules about accessing and using information which may be useful and they are at:

If you want to customise any of the modules access can be organised. --bron 00:14, 16 August 2009 (UTC)


Module 5: New Zealand information sources

Module 6: Searching for information

Module 7: Evaluating Information sources

Module 8: Ethical use of information

Module 9: Digital Information Literacy

Module 10: Pacific Information Sources

Module 11: Māori Information Sources

Module 12: Springboard module (FOR TEACHERS)

Bronwynh (talk)12:14, 16 August 2009