Task: Business Consultant Location: Dar es salaam, Tanzania Introduction The cooperative movement in Tanzania has been a vehicle for mobilization of human, capital and financial resources for national development since the pre-independence period. Cooperative societies have invariably contributed in many sectors of the economy. Their contribution is reflected in the role they play, for instance in accessing financial services to the un-banked population, supply of agricultural inputs, marketing of crop commodities and value addition for smallholder farmers. Indeed cooperatives have been underscored as essential development agents in many major policies in the country including: SME policy, National Microfinance Policy and National Strategy for Growth and Poverty Reduction. Agriculture is the leading sector of the economy, supporting the livelihood of about 80% of the population. Apart from numerous groups, as many as 2819 agricultural marketing cooperative societies had been registered by March 2011 with a view to improving members’ prospects for economic and social development. Tanzania Federation of Cooperatives (TFC) Ltd: is the national Cooperative Umbrella Organization that promotes, serves and coordinates the development and prosperity of all Cooperative societies in Tanzania Mainland. It was established in December 1994. TFC is a nongovernmental and independent body that is member owned and managed in the spirit of internationally recognized co-operative principles and values. It consists of one national cooperative apex, the Tanzania Tobacco Cooperative Apex (TTCA), two (2) national specialized unions, - Savings & Credit Cooperative Union League of Tanzania (SCCULT) & Tanzania Industrial Cooperative Union (TICU) plus sixteen (16) regional Coop Unions, four (4) primary cooperative societies & one Regional Coop Bank (KCBL). Currently, Cooperative movement comprises of about 9596 (2011) Cooperative Societies with an average of 3,844,358 members (2011). TFC is made up of members from different economic sectors, varies from Agricultural marketing cooperatives, savings and credit, Industrial, Housing and dairies cooperatives. Goal TFC is looking for Business consultants who will guide TFC to maximize its profits and success in it its business projects which is press, insurance and estate projects. A business consultant will work for TFC and sometimes will be required to travel and visit TFC members and to assist specific member projects that need assistance.
Objectives: • To provide consultant services in monitoring the TFC business departments • To provide advice on existing business projects and advice the new business projects • To develop the New TFC strategic plan for the year 2014 to 2018
Tasks • Business consultant will work closely with the Directorate of Cooperative Development, printing press, insurance and estate department to monitor the existing business practices of the TFC business departments and make recommendations on how the departments can become more productive and successful. • With Directorate of Cooperate Development, a consultant will be a key resource personal that will facilitate the process of reviewing the current Strategic Plan (2009 - 2013) and develop the new three year Strategic plan from 2014 to 2018 • To handle management of the business operations and organize the business function of the organization that affects cost, policy, procedure and strategic planning. • To identify and develop new business opportunities as well as manage the existing business projects. • Provide guidance in the management of TFC commercial property/estates • Provide advisory services in development of TFC insurance policies and develop insurance procedures. • He/she may be required to travel and visit TFC member’s organizations in up countries who may require his/her assistance in the area of business.
Expected Outputs/outcomes: • Effective and forecasting business projects developed • TFC existing business entities strengthened • New five years TFC Strategic Plan developed