Résumé Writing for EFL Learners

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Résumé Writing for EFL Learners

This course is aimed at helping you develop your résumé writing skills if you intend to get a job in the U.S. You will have the opportunity to develop and work on your reading comprehension, vocabulary and writing skills while addressing résumé writing basics.

Résumé Writing by Flazingo Photos
Register Orient Study
Step 1: To start learning, register for the course. Once you do so you will be able to receive course announcements via email. As an open course, you can access all learning resources on this course site without a password. However, you will need a WikiEducator account to author OER in the wiki and to post on WENotes.

Step 2: Explore the course website to find out what is required on this course and where the syllabus, course materials and learning challenges are located. Complete your orientation by establishing your own personal learning environment and declaring yourself to the group using your own WordPress course blog.

Step 3:Click on the image below to see your learning pathways for this session and get started with your studies. Study at your own pace and post questions or doubts on the course's WENotes.
Learning pathways.png