Picture story 1 Jessica et all

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" Oh ! I don't want to wake up ! " «  Oh ! I don't want to wake up !Five days a week , day students wake up every morning at the same time, it is approximately six o'clock. This is very early so students who do not go to sleep early in the evening are tired . »

Oh ! I hate math ! «  Oh ! I hate math ! At about eleven thirty a.m. , the French students who are boarding students or day students are still working on their math homework or homework for other subjects . We generally have one or two hours homework every night . »

Oh my god , in France the food is good

 «  Oh my god , in France the food is good  In France , at about one o'clock , the boarding school students and half the residents eat at the canteen with all their friends . The food is not necessarily good but they have no choice. Our favorite food is hamburger and chips but they also serve vegetables , salad , fruits . »

I hate working !!!

«  I hate working !!! In the afternoon , classes begin again at two o'clock and last until five o'clock , we work for three hours straight except we get a fifteen minute break at three o'clock . »

The day student take the bus

«  I hate working !!! In the afternoon , classes begin again at two o'clock and last until five o'clock , we work for three hours straight except we get a fifteen minute break at three o'clock . »

I love relaxing

«Often, after school, a day student relaxes for approximately one hour and afterwards he does his homework While he is relaxing he watches TV, plays the computers or talks with friends on the phone or computer . Our favorite web sites  on internet are facebook , skyrock. »

I love relaxing « At ten o'clock p.m. all boarding school students go to sleep. They are not allowed to watch TV, to talk or use their mobile phone after this hour . »

I am hungry « At approximately eight o'clock, a day student eats alone or with his family. »

Oh ! Yes « At ten o'clock p.m. all boarding school students go to sleep. They are not allowed to watch TV, to talk or use their mobile phone after this hour . »

Now watch our slide show and listen to our recording in English or French!

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