User stories for AVI system design

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Describing user stories

The development of user stories is a sub-activity of the main activity for designing a system for Academic Volunteers International (AVI).

A user story is one or more sentences written in everyday language of the end user that captures what the user wants to achieve. User stories focus on the needs of different users in the envisaged system. User stories will assist in designing a complex and demanding system like AVI in an open and collaborative way. User stories should only contain a minimum level of detail.

User stories generally follow the following structure:

"As a <role>, I want <goal/desire> so that <benefit>"

but the shorter version can also be used:

"As a <role>, I want <goal/desire>"

A process for the classification, review and acceptance of user stories for the design of AVI will be determined and may lead to the development of more detailed Use case scenarios.


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Key points
  • You must be logged into WikiEducator to submit a user story. (Anyone can create an account on WikiEducator.)
  • Consult the list of defined user roles
  • Confirm that the user for your user story is listed under the definition of AVI roles below. If not add a definition for this user.
  • Please use the list of defined users roles to facilitate grouping and classification of the user stories.
  • Remember to sign your user story submission.

Definition of AVI roles

  • OERu learner: Someone participating in OERu course(s) but not necessarily registered at any of the anchor partner institutions.
  • OERu student: An OERu learner who registers for assessment and/or credentialing services at one of the OERu anchor partner institutions.
  • General student volunteer: A student who volunteers services for AVI
  • Service learning student volunteer: A student registered for an official service learning course who volunteers services for AVI.
  • OERu scholarship student: An OERu student who provides services for AVI in return for OERu course scholarships, for example free assessment services from an anchor partner.
  • General academic volunteer: Academic or tertiary educator who provides general learning support services for AVI.
  • OERu academic volunteer: Academic from OERu anchor partner who volunteers services for AVI, for example, official community service hours.
  • Professional association volunteer: Members of professional associations and professional bodies who volunteer services for AVI as part of their membership and engagement in the profession.
  • Retired academic volunteer: A retired academic who volunteers services for AVI.
  • Content specialist volunteer: Academic or tertiary educator who provides subject specific volunteer services for AVI.
  • NGO volunteer: An employee or volunteer from an NGO who provides volunteer services for OERu learners within the communities they serve.
  • AVI trainer: A volunteer who assists in training and capacity building activities for AVI roles.

User stories


OERu learner

  1. As OERu learner I want to search the available OERu courses by subject and year level. --Wayne Mackintosh 03:12, 5 December 2011 (UTC)
  2. As OERu learner I want to search available OERu courses by OERu anchor partner, country and corresponding cost for assessment and credentialing services so I can choose my preferred provider. --Wayne Mackintosh 03:12, 5 December 2011 (UTC)
  3. As OERu learner I want to search a database of frequently asked questions for my courses ranked by frequency and users ratings of the responses. --Wayne Mackintosh 03:19, 5 December 2011 (UTC)
  4. As OERu learner I would like to submit new questions which do not appear in the FAQ listing for my course. --Wayne Mackintosh 21:14, 5 December 2011 (UTC)
  5. As an interested and potential OERu learner I want to have a conversation with someone knowledgeable in my area of interest to help me figure out what course of action best suits my experience and goals. --Alison Snieckus 23:00, 5 December 2011 (UTC)
  6. As OERu learner I want to be able to acknowledge any support and assistance provided by an AVI in a format that is ‘of value’ to them. --Kathleenz 23:32, 5 December 2011 (UTC)
  7. As OERu learner I want someone I can talk to (online, on the telephone, or in person). (Submitted by student of Community Organizing course at ESC via Joyce McNight.)
  8. As OERu learner I want to know what the end product will be and how to present it. (online, on the telephone, or in person). (Submitted by student of Community Organizing course at ESC via Joyce McNight.)
  9. As OERu learner I want to have a plan that I will follow to my end goal. (Submitted by student of Community Organizing course at ESC via Joyce McNight.)
  10. As OERu learner I want to know how to evaluate OER materials to assure that what I am learning is high quality. (Submitted by student of Community Organizing course at ESC via Joyce McNight.)
  11. As OERu learner I want to learn how to sort through OER materials, they seem overwhelming. (Submitted by student of Community Organizing course at ESC via Joyce McNight.)
  12. As OERu learner I would appreciate access to a local AVI. (Submitted by student of Community Organizing course at ESC via Joyce McNight.)
  13. As OERu learner I want to be able to trust that my volunteer (mentor) knows the OER world and can help me make wise choices. (Submitted by student of Community Organizing course at ESC via Joyce McNight.)
  14. As OERu learner I want help to integrate my existing life learning into my OERu learning I do through OER so I get credit for what I already know and don’t waste time. (Submitted by student of Community Organizing course at ESC via Joyce McNight.)
  15. As OERu learner I want help with the technical part of the process. (Submitted by student of Community Organizing course at ESC via Joyce McNight.)
  16. As OERu learner I want to be able to access the OERu services easily even if I don’t have access to a computer. (Submitted by student of Community Organizing course at ESC via Joyce McNight.)
  17. As OERu learner I want course materials which are simply-offered, easily navigated and lead to a definable conclusion. (Submitted by Wendy Burton during SCoPE seminar.)
  18. As OERu learner I want to participate in the ongoing design and implementation of AVI. (Submitted by David Porter and Don Beadle during SCoPE seminar.)
  19. As OERu learner I would like to connect with existing communities (e.g villages, clubs, societies, organisations) to follow an initial course so that I can get support through my local community in getting started with OERu. (Submitted by Jim Flood during SCoPE seminar).
  20. As an OERu learner for whom English is a second or other language, I require support with English for Academic Purposes (EAP) and/or support with translation of OERu content and assessments. (Submitted by Alannah Fitzgerald, OER for EAP with SCORE at the Open University)

OERu student

  1. As OERu student I want my summative evaluation activities prepared as an OERu learner to be easily transferred for formal assessment by my selected OERu anchor partner without the need to reformat or change the file formats of my portfolio. --Wayne Mackintosh 08:35, 6 December 2011 (UTC)


General Academic Volunteer

  1. As General Academic Volunteer I would like to search for unanswered FAQs to contribute answers because I would like to help build the FAQ database. --Wayne Mackintosh 03:19, 5 December 2011 (UTC)
  2. As General Academic Volunteer I would like aggregated data of the volunteer services I have provided through AVI because I want to include this data in my e-portfolio and also present it as evidence of my ‘currency’, industry engagement and professional development. --Kathleenz 22:59, 5 December 2011 (UTC)
  3. As General Academic Volunteer I would like to be able to receive feedback (all kinds) from any OERu learner I may assist and if relevant from other AVIs for both my own professional development and to be used as evidence of my own knowledge, skills, abilities and experiences. --Kathleenz 23:32, 5 December 2011 (UTC)
  4. As General Academic Volunteer I would like to interact with specific learners who have problems in my domain area of expertise so that there is enrichment of the knowledge base of the learners and also that of mine as a life long learner. Supten 04:52, 6 December 2011 (UTC)
  5. As General Academic Volunteer I would like to know what's expected of me so I can select in or out or pace myself with my other commitments. (Submitted by Chris Horgan during SCoPE seminar).
  6. As General Academic Volunteer I want a clear job description for the different roles that outlines what I am to do, how much time it will take and how AVI will document my participation. (Submitted by Joyce McKnight during SCoPE seminar.)
  7. As General Academic Volunteer I would like to meet with virtual volunteers at a face-to-face event to network and get recognition for my AVI volunteer services in a formal setting. (Submitted by Valerie Peachey during SCoPE seminar.)
  8. As a General Academic Volunteer I would like to connect with a cohort of volunteers, perhaps tied in with the one of the Anchor OERu institutions. - Betty Hurley-Dasgupta, 7 December 2011

OERu Academic Volunteer

  1. As OERu Academic Volunteer I would like aggregated data of the volunteer services I have provided through AVI because I want to include this as evidence for my staff appraisal evaluation. --Wayne Mackintosh 03:23, 5 December 2011 (UTC)

Professional association volunteer

  1. As a professional association volunteer I would like identified AVI volunteer services to be recognized as a component of continuing professional development to be recognised under the requirements to retain registration of my professional association. --Wayne Mackintosh 08:21, 6 December 2011 (UTC)

Content specialist volunteer

  1. As a Content Specialist Volunteer, I want to be part of a community of volunteers who are working in my content area, a community which offers opportunities for sharing, collaboration and learning among the volunteers. --Alison Snieckus 22:56, 5 December 2011 (UTC)...
Me too --Kathleenz 23:38, 5 December 2011 (UTC) (PS I know we prob do not want heaps of 'me too's' OR same Users Story repeated - Shame there isn't a 'like' button - but ideas on how to 'also put up hand' for something 'I' also want to agree with / like / volunteer for? - This may come later? - Feel free to delete this question / post)
@Kathleenz -- in the next phase we will introduce some kind of polling or voting system to help prioritise the different user stories, for example those areas where AVIs would like to volunteer. --Wayne Mackintosh 23:48, 5 December 2011 (UTC)

Service learning student volunteer

  1. As a service learning student volunteer, I would like to earn formal credit for OERu AVI volunteer services as an option for the service learning course at my own institution. --Wayne Mackintosh 08:11, 6 December 2011 (UTC)
  2. As a service learning student volunteer, I would like my mentor / professor of my service learning course at my own institution to engage in AVI volunteer activities to see what I'm doing and provide feedback as part of my official course. --Wayne Mackintosh 08:11, 6 December 2011 (UTC)

General student volunteer

  1. As a senior OERu learner I would like to pay my learning forward by helping new OERu learners through the system. --Mackiwg 23:57, 4 August 2014 (UTC)

Retired academic volunteer

  1. As a retired Academic Volunteer, I would want to be invited to some "community" events so that I see this as an opportunity that also addreses some of my needs.- Betty Hurley-Dasgupta, 7 December 2011

NGO volunteer

  1. As NGO volunteer I want to provide AVI services face-to-face to OERu learners from my community. (Submitted by student of Community Organizing course at ESC via Joyce McNight.)
  2. As NGO volunteer I want my organisation to help by providing computer access to OERu learners from my community. (Submitted by student of Community Organizing course at ESC via Joyce McNight.)

AVI trainer

  1. As an AVI trainer I would like to work collaboratively with other AVIs from all categories to understand, develop and promote practices and experiences that engage and effectively support OERu learners. --Valerie Taylor 20:33, 9 December 2011 (UTC)