OERu/Planning/Standing committee for credit transfer/2015 Annual report
Report of the Standing Committee for credit transfer working group
For the Standing Committee for Credit Transfer, much work lies in the future. At the 2014 Partners Meeting, the Credit Transfer Breakout Group drafted a set of guidelines for credit transfer and articulation. This draft has been a focus of the Committee's efforts: reviewing the document, editing as necessary, and then the next steps will be to promote the guidelines and work to implement them over the next few months.
Summary of main outputs of the working group
Over the past few months, members of this committee and others from the network have reviewed the draft guidelines and made comments and suggestions. It would be useful to have still others review the document, as these guidelines will provide a blueprint for action for the whole of the OERu network going forward; at the moment (September 2015), the OERu Input Evaluation survey indicates that only a quarter of respondents had indeed reviewed the guidelines.
The Committee has also gathered its members on the groups.oeru.org page, though others are encouraged to join as well.
Performance against key performance indicators
(: Consult 2015 KPI allocations)
Recommendations for 2016 and the future
The Committee will be responsible for maintaining and further developing the Guidelines in response to whatever need there might be to do so.
Ultimately, the goal of the Committee will be to develop a structure for implementation of the Guidelines, and then to work to accomplish the first Key Performance Indicator (KPI): targeting 30% adoption by OERu partners by end of 2015.
Working with the Technology Committee, we should develop recommendations for a system to coordinate and communicate credit transfer and articulation pathways to OERu learners.
Create OERu Handbook for Requesting Articulation.
Determine the appropriate relationship between this committee and the Subject discipline articulation sub-committees.