Nervous System Worksheet

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Chapter 14 Nervous System

1. The diagram below is of a nerve cell or neurone.

i. Add the following labels to the diagram.
Axon; Myelin sheath; Cell body; Dendrites; Muscle fibres;
ii. If you like, colour in the diagram as suggested below.
Axon - purple;
Myelin sheath - yellow;
Cell body - blue;
Dendrites - green;
Muscle fibres – red;
iii. Now indicate the direction that the nerve impulse travels.


2. There are three different kinds of neurone or nerve cell. Match each kind with its function.

A. Motor neuron; B. Sensory neuron; C. Relay neuron;
Kind of neurone Function
................................... The nerve cell that carries impulses from a sense receptor

to the brain or spinal cord.

.................................... The nerve cell that connects sensory and motor neurons
..................................... The nerve cell that transmits impulses from the brain

or spinal cord to a muscle or gland

3. Match the descriptions in the table below with the terms in the list.

A. Synapse; B. Axon; C. Myelin sheath; D. Nerve impulse; E. Sense receptor; F. Response;
G.Reflex; H. Cell body; I. Dendrite; J. Nerve; K. Neurotransmitter; L. Axon terminal
Term Function
.............................. 1. The long fibre that carries the nerve impulses.
.............................. 2. A bundle of axons.
.............................. 3. The connection between adjacent neurons.
............................... 4. The chemical secreted into the gap

between neurons at a synapse.

............................... 5. A rapid automatic response to a stimulus.
............................... 6. The covering of fatty material that

speeds up the passage of nerve impulses.

................................... 7. The structure at the end of an axon that produces neurotransmitters

to transmit the nerve impulse across the synapse.

................................ 8. The high speed signals that pass along the axons of nerve cells.
................................ 9. The branching filaments that conduct nerve impulses

towards the cell.

..................................... 10. The sense organ or cells that receive stimuli from within

and outside the body.

..................................... 11. The reaction to a stimulus by a muscle or gland.
..................................... 12.The part of the nerve cell containing the nucleus.

4. The diagram below shows a cross-section of the spinal cord. Add the following labels to the diagram.

Central canal; White matter; Dorsal root; Grey matter; Ventral root; Skin;
Muscle; Sensory neuron; Relay neuron; Motor neuron; Pain receptors in skin

Spinal nervous pathway unlabelled.JPG


a) List in order the 3 different neurons involved in a reflex arc from the stimulus to the response.
Stimulus ........................... ........................... ........................... Response

b) Name 3 different reflexes found in animals.

Reflex 1..............................

Reflex 2..............................

Reflex 3..............................

6. The diagram below shows the nervous system of a horse. Add the following labels.

Brain; Spinal cord; Cranial nerves; Spinal nerves; Sciatic nerve; Nerves of the autonomic nervous system; Vagus nerve; Network of nerves to forelimb.

Horse nervous system unlabelled.JPG

7. Indicate whether the following parts of the nervous system are part of the Central Nervous System CNS) or the Peripheral Nervous System (PNS).

Part of nervous system CNS or PNS?
Brain ........................
Autonomic nervous system ........................
Spinal nerves ........................
Spinal cord ........................
Cranial nerves .........................

8. The diagram below shows a section of a dog’s brain. Add the labels in the list below and, if you like, colour in the diagram as suggested.

Cerebellum - blue;
Spinal cord - green;
Medulla oblongata - orange;
Hypothalamus - purple;
Pituitary gland - red;
Cerebral hemispheres – yellow.

Dog brain unlabelled.JPG

9. Match the descriptions below with the terms in the list. You may need to use some terms more than once.

A. Cerebral hemispheres; B. White matter; C. Cerebellum; D.Medulla oblongata; E. Hypothalamus; F. Pituitary; G. Grey matter; H. Meninges; I. Ventricles; J. Cerebrospinal fluid; K. Sulcus; L. Carotid artery
Term Description
............................. 1. Controls water balance and body temperature.
.............................. 2. Where the respiratory rate is controlled.
............................... 3. Where posture, balance and voluntary muscle

movements are controlled.

............................... 4. Contains centres governing mental activity,

including intelligence, memory, and learning.

............................... 5. The tough fibrous envelope enclosing the

brain and spinal cord.

............................... 6. The “master” gland of the endocrine system.
............................... 7. Responsible for instigating voluntary movements.
............................... 8. The fluid that surrounds the brain and spinal cord.
.............................. 9. Composed of cell bodies and nuclei.
.............................. 10. Composed of axons.
............................... 11. Where the sensations of sight, sound, taste etc.

are interpreted.

................................ 12. Spaces in the brain filled with cerebral spinal fluid.
................................ 13. A fold in the cerebral cortex.
................................. 14. The artery that supplies the brain with oxygenated blood.

10. Match the descriptions below with the parts of the nervous system in the list. You may need to use some terms more than once.

A. Autonomic nervous system; B. Central nervous system; C. Peripheral nervous system;
D. Parasympathetic nervous system; E. Sympathetic nervous system
Description Part of the nervous system
1. Part of the nervous system that is composed of the

brain and the spinal cord.

2. Part of the nervous system that is composed of the

cranial and spinal nerves.

3. The part of the peripheral nervous system that regulates

the activity of the heart and smooth muscle.

4. The part of the autonomic nervous system that increases heart and

respiratory rates, increases blood flow to the skeletal muscles and dilates

the pupils of the eye.

5. The part of the autonomic nervous system that increases gut activity

and decreases heart and respiratory rates.


11. Name the nerves described below using the choices in the list.

Olfactory nerve; Sciatic nerve; Vagus nerve; Optic nerve; Vestibular nerve
Nerve Description
.......................... 1. The 8th cranial nerve that carries impulses from the organs of

balance and hearing to the brain.

........................... 2. The 2nd cranial nerve that carries nervous impulses from the

retina of the eye to the brain.

............................ 3. The largest nerve in the body serving the muscles of the leg.
............................ 4. The 1st cranial nerve that carries impulses from the organ of smell

in the nose to the brain.

.............................. 5. The 10th cranial nerve that supplies the pharynx, lungs, heart,

stomach and most of the abdominal organs.

Nervous System Worksheet Answers