Training Workshop Templates

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Working with Templates

Video showing how to copy a view

Copying a template

The best way to begin using templates is to create a new page of your own from someone else's template. To do this, go Portfolio > Pages > Copy a page.

Create a page for students to use as a template. Choose from:

  • Learner profile
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Learning journal
  • Goal setting template

Icon activity.jpg
Copy a template. Go into your portfolio area, click pages, then 'Copy a page'. Search for 'learner profile' and copy it. Fill out the details, and edit a few of the blocks.

Creating templates

The process for setting up a template is:

  1. Create a view you would like to act as the template, then
  2. Allow copying. Go into Edit View Access and tick the box that says 'Allow copying'. This will allow others to copy your view.