MOSEP Module 4/session3

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Mosep logo small.jpg MOSEP ePortfolio Tutorial: Module 4
Assessment of ePortfolios
Overview / Introduction - Module 4
Session 1 | Session 2 | Session 3 | Session 4


Session 3: Feedback and peer-communication

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After this session the participant will:

  • be able to provide personal, valuable, motivating feedback.
  • be able to activate and motivate student communication and peer feedback
  • be able to provide formative assessment (assessment FOR learning)

Self-Assessment as a good base

Learner involvement in their own assessment is an important part of the preparation for life and work. In self-assessment learners take on more responsibility for their own learning and become more aware of their own knowledge gaps (if any) since they assess themselves in relation to the course objectives. Through assessment, viewed as part of the learning process, the learner can track his/her personal development resulting in a deeper learning experience. Learners will be working on tasks at their own pace and will then receive feedback expressed in private messages (this could be particularly advantageous for reserved pupils). Such feedback could be more frequent and could better cater for individual needs then in traditional classroom settings. Self-assessment is quite opposite to traditional assessment methods in classrooms (written tests and oral exams still prevail) and therefore it is new to many pupils.

There are some important rules, how the feedback in these settings should be formulated. According to Stangl ( feedback should follow these rules.

  • it should ALWAYS be constructive, that means, it should give perspectives for the future
  • it should be descriptive, that means, it should not include assessment (gradings) or interpretations
  • it should be concrete, not general or global
  • it should be formulated as subjective ("As far as I see...")
  • it should not be only negative

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Please try it out!


  1. participants are allocated to groups (2 or 3 in each group)
  2. groups provided with the address of e-portfolio created by other participant
  3. decide on which learning goal you like to give feedback
  4. all give feedback to each other about their e-portfolios according to the above rules

Special: Collaborative online assessment

In some schools in the UK, the system MAPS (Managed Assessment Portfolio System; see is used. With MAPS, teachers can put their grading of a student's work together with some pieces of his work (which they think to be important to explain theirs decision) into the school's moderation portfolio. Other teachers can review the assessment and comprehend and criticize it. That leads to a more valid form of assessment (see Derrick & Wharfe 2006 ). Tracking Capability using Web-based eportfolios in UK schools. In: Jafari A., Kaufman C. (Ed.) Handbook of research on eportfolios. (pp. 378-387)).

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Discuss the pros and cons of such collaborative online assessment.