Introduction to project management/IPM103/Resources/Glossary

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Alternative analysis
An estimating technique that includes several solutions to complete the same task.
Bottom-up estimation
Breaking all tasks down to their small packages to estimate the resources required for each.
Adding more resources to a task, in order to speed up the activity.
Effort based activities
When applying more effort will result in the task being completed quicker.
Expert Estimation
Using an expert to provide estimates of the resource requirements for a project. For example, a quantity surveyor.
Fixed duration activities
When no matter what resources you add the activity will still take the same time. For example, the time taken for paint to dry.
Law of diminishing returns
When adding resources reaches a point when the output does not increase proportionally. For example, when you have so many people working on one task that they start getting in each other's way.
Published estimating data
Using published estimation guides to estimate resource requirements.
Resource calendar
A calendar that shows the availability of resources over time.
Resource Requirements
The number and type of resources required to complete all the tasks in a project.